Nov 14, 2006 19:02
Today when I was walking to the train from school, I had the inspiration to update, FINIALLY! Seriously, its been 2 months since a decent update. Although I just got kidnapped by my friends, and made to move somewhere else down the train, I shall still update since I got the fever. They shall sit in silence and listen to me type. Boys are stupid anyways, and not good for an educated conversation.
SO what’s been new with me in the last two months? Well, university, of course. I’ve had and still do have the uneasiness about engineering, questioning if its really what I want to do, or is it because someone else wants me to. But, for now, at this moment, things are ok, classes are going “well”. I mean, I’m not doing as amazing as I was in JAC, or in high school, or as well as my dad did (as he likes to tell me), but I’m surviving. BUT then again, I AM going to the BEST school in the country and taking the HARDEST faculties. So I can’t complain. Really, to tell the truth, I’m not trying very hard right now, I’ve got no motivation, ambition, or urge to go the extra mile when it comes to school work. Sometimes I wonder how I would be doing if I actually gave it 100%. But that’s my condition, I’m lazy. A couple of weeks ago, me and my group of civil friends competed in the McGill Engineering Competition, which is a big nerdfest. They gave us a problem (transport and egg down a slope and across a gap without breaking it, and using only certain material), and gave us 4 hours to build a prototype. Then we competed our design, without testing it first. Technically, ours didn’t work completely, but it did more than anyone elses. (Check out the pics on facebook). So we ended up winning first place, we’re going to Quebec Engineering Competition in Jan, than when we win that Canadian Engineering Competition in March. Anyways, that all for now in the school department, 3 weeks of classes left to exams !!!!!!
Lately, I’ve been taking a look at what type of person I am. One reason for this is me reading some interesting books on the topic (fiction, but still helpful in my life) like The Alchemist and The Celestine Prophecies. Makes we think about they way I interact with other people and how I let others affet/influence me. Another reason why is because of what I said before about not knowing about university. I really believe that my dad pushed me into engineering a bit. They say they’re trying not to influence my decisions now, but I know deep down they still are pushing. Another reason does have to do with the ‘rents. They don’t like Mike. Nope, not at all. Still haven’t met him, and I know they should, but I’m scared for that meeting. They don’t forbit me to see him etc, but everytime I’m like “going over to Mikes,” or “I’m going downtown with Mike”. My mom especially, is like “oh”, and gives me this look. I want to slap her sometimes, being like “SHUT UP and don’t give me that. I know you don’t like the idea, but I do, and too bad, I’m not stopping because of you!” This opposition of views between me and the ‘rents is new for me. Never before has there been anything so ‘big’ that we’ve disagreed on that I actually had any say in it. So I’m looking at what type of person I am, if I’m strong enough to carry on without they’re support in this department. I have been doing well, but there are some things I’d like to do that I know the ‘rents wouldn’t agree with. One rule is I’m not allowed to spend the night over at Mikes, which is annoying because there are times I’m over there and pass out (tired pass out), but we have to wake up to get me home. And the second is I want to go on a mini break somewhere with him, but that first rule kinda gets in the way. What if we stayed in different rooms? Hahahaha yea right. Sometimes I do worry that if there is such a big opposition, I might be kicked out house , or cut off. Or is that me being melodramatic? Anyway, Mike and me are GREAT, its scary how similar we are sometimes, but I love the kid. And that makes up for the stress at home.
Friends are an equally stressing part of my life, although I know they shouldn’t be. Want to hear something that will AMAZE YOU?!?! I have not been to Cheers in 1 month! One reason is because I’ve been too tired to drink (or I’ve over drank in the last couple of months??) and another reason is I realized that its not worth the stress. I mean the only thing I miss about the place is Matt, but the stress of the drama of that place aka Lyne outweighs the joy of seeing Matt. I hope he understands. I would go on Sundays, but there is still the chance she’d be there, and I don’t even want to worry about THAT possibility. But my weekends have been filled with Mike, and that is a great great great alternative. I guess after this update I’ll be able to post just random stories about the crazy stuff we get into. Hell, why not one right now?
It was Ben’s birthday on Monday, and the family was having a dinner on Sunday for him, (KT joined via webcam). So me and Mike went downtown to go shopping for Ben in the underground city cas it was pouring out. But as we’re walking down the street trying to get to the underground, Mike kept walking me under the dripping signs etc, but as we’re heading into the Eaton Center Mall, there were these streams of water. Of course he tries to get me under, but I wiggled enough to avoid it, while he got soaked. We were practically wrestling in the middle of downtown Montréal. Yea, we’re that cool. When we finally got into the mall, it looked like we had just gone swimming. Later that night at his place, when we ordered pizza, and when it came, he couldn’t find his pants (imagine that!), so he answered the door in mine. It must be the pants, his ass looked great. He summed up Saturday pretty good in a email not he sent me: “Make-out, take-out, pass-out”
Ok back. Catherine is a sticky subject. She and Lyne did fight, but a couple of weeks ago, they made up. Since I’m not going out each weekend with Catherine, she needs someone to be with, and I’ve been kind of paranoid she’d hook up with Lyne and talk shit about me (they did that one weekend, when mike was there with them, Catherine when she’s drunk, doesn’t think about anything she says, and Lyne’s hatred? of me got them talking about me, filling Mike’s head with shit. I got one great, stressful email from a slightly drunk mike later that night. I was not happy w/ Kat). But it seems that Catherine is hanging out with other people (old friends/new friends) more than Lyne. She did go out to Cheers with a group of ppl on Saturday, but apparently she was so caught up with everything, there was no time for shit fullage of head. But Catherine is still a source of stress in my life. I know I don’t need that, but that’s just who she is, she’s co-dependent. She needs a good man, because I can’t be there always for her now a days.
Pam has been pretty supportive lately, but we've been helping each other out too. THis summer was rough for her, but Since being home, she’s got a job (telesurveying), is doing part time arts student, and a boyfriend. Sounds good? It is,but things can get tough . Sometimes it’s hard for me to relate to what she’s going through, I’m such a happy person most of the time (albeit a bit of a worry wart), so its hard for me to relate to depression and more. I’m so glad she’s living with Yannick, he is the most wonderful friend she could have right now, he’s so jolly and good hearted. I really hope that she contiunes improving and enjoying life right now, because me and her are going to FRANCE this Christmas! That’s right, a week ! Dec. 22-30. SICK!
Well, I hope that fills the novel. I guess now, I won’t be so reluctant to update because I covered pretty much what I’ve been up to, so I can fill in without worrying about background info.
I hope you all enjoyed, now to homework, the story of my life