Mar 28, 2005 19:54
The title of this entry is something Eva did on AIM once. Please. Don't ask. She is vewy cwazy.
So last night, I had a really funny dream. I dreamt that I was eating dinner with my mom, Kate O. (who i hate, she's dating stupid stupid Jonathan, who i sorta hate, but i REALLY hate her) and Kate's mom. Well I randomly spaz out in my dream (like in real life) and scream, "I HATE YOU! YOU'RE SUCH A LIAR! YOU FUCKING WHORE!!" Her mum goes, "Sounds just like you Kate." So I scream for a few more seconds, Kate starts crying, then her mom AND my mom both scream out, "BEAT HER WITH THE BOWLING PIN!!" So I beat her to a bloody pulp with a bowling pin. I AM VIOLENT, YES? I tell my mum about it today, and she goes (because she really just HATES Kate) "And did it feel good, beating her to a bloody pulp with a bowling pin, Theresa?" and I say, "Why yes... it did very much. Even more when her mom told me to do it. Hehe."
So yeah, my dreams RAWK.