Week 20

Apr 19, 2010 07:33

Pregnancy dream last night consisted of me cooking a steak for breakfast… lol and I mean butter on it and the whole nine (p.s. I don't eat steak; just never cared for the taste really). I was so into cooking that I was late for school. I went to get finish getting ready for school and over cooked the steak to the point of crunchy.

Mmmm what does it all mean? lol

Tonight we have a baby class at Winnie Palmer. I'm hoping I can stay awake til 10.. that's when it ends.

We are taking on a home project... turning one room into the baby's room... wasn't where we were original going to go there, but I want her to have all the space she wants when she is older.

And I think the "guest" bedroom will turn into a craft room/play room for me and little miss. =) I feel just fine about that. Sure we won’t have a bed for our visitors we get maybe one week a year, but Brandon said…. We should probably live life for us, not them right? After my MIL friended Brando’s first girlfriend on facebook… I would whole-heartily agree. (not amused by that either)
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