I heart FUSE!

Jul 21, 2005 00:41

I so wish FUSE was on basic cable. I love it with my soul.
OK, updates on life...
Went on a date with Chris. Stats: he's 29, manages a skate park, was the lead singer of a band, is super nice and sweet, lives with MA to help her pay the bills and such, is a pices, likees me alot.
OK, status on him is that I don't feel too much chemistry. Like, no OMG your'e so fine, no omg I can't wait to call you and see you again and blah blah blah which shows me that I'm not really that into him. But I suppose I owe him a few more dates. We had a good time and I had a braingasm over the intellectual convo. He's a total hippie.
Truth be told, I'm like, totally into Scott now and I don't know why. He was a prick to me about NY, but he's so super sweet and I like him a lot. I get that little jumpy feeling whenever I think about him, which is often, I talk to him every day, I can't wait to call him up just to say hi, He sends me messages just to say he's thinking about me...I know that it's kind of wrong because we only spent a week together a long time ago while he was on vacation...but whatever. he makes me feel special, and wanted, and he knows exactly what i need. maybe he's full of shit, maybe he's just a charmer, but I don't care, I HAVE to see him again soon. Aparatly he's flying down in Sept. we'll see if that actually happens. I hope so. Of all the people that I couuld be lying in bed with just cuddling and talking and whatever...it's him. HAYZUES I am sooooo EMO!!!! God kill me now.
OH yeah, the new job is going ok....if you ever look on the back of a UPS shipping label...it actually says that 'UPS cannot be held accountable for damages to packages due to something somthing ...more stuff...ACTS OF GOD...more stuff...stuff...
YEAH. It actually says 'Acts of God'
Acts of God? Like what? GOd just looked down upon man and said 'Woah. Woah...now, listen. Don't you be sending that package now, ya hear? I'll send your ass straight to Hell if ya do'
Yeah anyways, I can't WAIT to be a RoCkStAr! I gotta go to bed now, gotta take sis to the airport tomorrow mornin :( I'll miss her. I wish we could just move to NYC and her and sammy could live together and he could open a restaurant, and amanda could get on broadway and i could be a rockstar and see scottie every day!

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