Mar 19, 2005 22:54
ah sorry sorry sorry but yeah if you read this [ you know who you may be ]
last night i ended up going to see the ring 2 with some friends. it was all good funstuff haha...
went home late, ehh sleepy, so i tried to go to sleep, but it was hard because i had just watched the ring 2, so i had to leave my bedroom door open haha.
then today i woke up at 8 from the hard rain outside. i ended up doing nothing till about 3 when i decided WTF am i doing at home on a saturday? so i went to haight by myself and ended up running into bella and zach, which was fun, i was originally supposed to go with jessica but she got in trouble =/
we went around haight, then took the street car to marie's, where we watched jungle to jungle and i got picked up and went back home... ahh sleepy... long ass day.