Jul 27, 2005 11:52
okay. so where was i a year ago today you might be wondering haha?
- a year ago today, i woke up around 9 i guess. got ready, took the 15 to balboa, then the 36 to ian's house. he jumped on the bus hella quickly after running up the hill. we went to forest hill station. from there we got off at west portal and went to marie's house. from there we drove all the way to the milpitas great mall after i explained to them how to haha. meantime my sister was getting laser eye surgeory. we basically played with sunglasses. ran around the mall looking at crap. we bought the new taking back sunday CD. i recall eating japanese food at the food court and looking at guitars at that giant store which seemed to sell everything. after some time however, we needed to get back to the city, and we ended up crossing the bay bridge this time, weirdly enough yeah. oh we played with the burberry scarf in the car haha. there's pictures of this somewhere floating around. just not on this computer. we listened to the new CD and stuff too.
eventually i went home that day and wrote about what we did in xanga. i probably sat at the computer chatting with britney the rest of the night.
- so last summer began with hanging out with jason, which led me to meet marie and all of them, whom we all hung out practically everyday for a month.
- i started talking to britney, and hanging out with ian. i met hella people through the both of them. me and ian hung out everyday of summer, towards the last half atleast. we went to san diego/chula vista/santa barbara. that was probably some of the most fun i had ever in my life.
- i went to disneyland with anna lisa, heather, mom/dad, albert c, josh, angelica, kimboflex, christene. which was the most fun ever too. shiiiit it was fun.
- warped tour itself was enough to get its own line haha. me && fafa bonded that day haha.
- i was chatting every night as i had the summer before, but this time it had more meaning to it i guess.
- i was quickly changing the music i listened to
- over all it was the best summer i had ever had in my entire life.
- i regretted so much however, i mean sure i had the TIME OF MY LIFE last summer. doing what now seems old to me. but i really could have done so much more, but whatever. i had a blast. this summer, or most likely any other summer coming up, will never quite compare to it.
- i also slowly started to not talk to jessica and vallie as much, since then i really haven't. we used to call each other up at 2 am and just laugh about nothing, or chat for 8 hours straight, what ever happened to that?!
- ana also changed my world a lot too haha. i met her through adrian, and through her met a lot of new people and did a lot of new things
- i really owe last summer to jason, ian, marie, maggie, britney, ana, kasia, and of course always anna lisa, and whoever else was there to enjoy the shit out of it like i did.