May 29, 2005 18:54
hey hey hey hey hey....
so i haven't updated in about a week but whatever. doesn't seem that long.
basically finals monday, check, finals tuesday check, then afterschool went to stonestown, then went to SI, saw everyone, saw ron even, and bought ice cream haha, and some SI bitches were giving tiffany problems. oh and will was there too, and we saw a girl with a pink diamond encrusted sidekick which was pretty sad haha. then i think i got picked up and went to sleep hella early that night.
wednesday i woke up at 4 am, took the streetcar to embarcadero to watch the sunrise, then took the streetcar to seacliff, walked past all the big fancy houses, went down towards china beach. chilled there for some time, then made my way home, took the 36 for memories. when i got home, i got ready again, left to go to alecia's house, then we went to SI, then we had burritos, funnyy ass times. then i had to bounce on ana, alecia, austen, then i went downtown, met up MB, went to haight, bought shoes, went to japantown, looked at crap, then went back downtown, took bart to his house in south city, hung out till about midnight, went home.
thursday i woke up, got ready, took BART to millbrae, passed the airport on the way, went to in and out only to find out we had to go to the tapioca place. me and MB met up with darvinity. she chilled with us for a good 3 hours there, we looked at year books, perved around basically. walked over to go see alex hill at mills hahaah, we also saw marge quickly. then we met a bunch of people, played dorky games and took myspace pics. i went home, watched the chapelle show basically.
friday i went to... shit, where did i go?...i stayed home for a while i know because i couldnt find my i pod, then i went to west portal, saw britney and erin, then met up with rachel, and we went to the baseball game, which was freezing, and the giants sucked, so we went to play on the slide then left. we played on muni, then got to her car, drove near sea cliff, then drove all the way down the great highway. i got dropped off eventually after we cruised and had trouble filling her car with gas.
saturday i woke up, got ready, we went to the mall, then ended up driving down to santana row in san jose, bought a new camera, got some CDs, drove back quickstylezz. somehow my i pod survived the hour ride home on no battery, which made no sense, but sure whatever. i then went walking towards epiphany, picked up jason, we walked to mission, jumped the 15, took BART to civic center, took the K to westportal, got marie, took the train back to embarcadero, RAAAAN our asses to the movies, and watched this cool documentary on enron. it was very clever and funny. kinda sad at some parts, as in , can people really be that mean? then we took the street car at like 1 am back to west portal, frolicked, LITERALLY, to her house, chilled for half an hour, then went home.
sunday, i woke up, got ready, my aunt left? went to best buy, the mall, bought stuff, ran into hella people as usual, like mike fong who just happened o be buying dunks haha.
now what to do... hang out with MB? claire and RC? or austen... well either way i'm now leaving for downtown.
YES, since school got out, i've ridden BART, and MUNI METRO everyday, i feel like such an SF junky or something right now, but ehhh... PEACE UP A TOWN DOWN NIGGAHHSSZZZ