lyrics/quotes.. bahh.. just read and you'll understand..

May 01, 2004 09:29

"if you see me walking with someone else, it's not 'cause I love him, its 'cause you're not brave enough to walk beside me. if you see me smiling, it's not 'cause I forgot you, it's 'cause I'm tired of crying over you. if you see me living again, it's not 'cause I want to get back at you, it's 'cause I wanna get back what you've taken from me. but most of all, if I fall in love with someone else, it's not 'cause I wanted to, it's 'cause you were never there to catch me and love me back"

There are things we dont want
to happen, but we have to accept
things we have to know
but we don't wanna learn
and people we cant live without
but we have to let go...
I will never understand why god allowed us to meet, and not let us be together.

im leaving., because u never asked me to stay

Tinkerbell: You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

I think my biggest fear is that
you won't notice that I'm gone,
That it won't hurt to be without me,
That you'll be just fine on your own.

"Even in my arms, you were always out of reach." ~Everwood

and we say goodbye

*I've heard the speech a million times before, 'You can do better, You deserve much more,' I get myself sick over it 'cause I know it's true, but I don't want better, I just want you.*

It's so funny how we set qualifications for the right person to love, while in the back of our minds we know that the person we truly love will always be an expception. ((how true..))

When I see your smile and know its not for me, that's when I miss you the most.

sometimes things need to fall apart for better things to fall together.

I miss you....
not enough to want you back, just enough to hurt. (i love that one so much)

"These past few months, I've been acting like you were just going to show up outside my door one day. But you're not. You're out there, following your dream. Which is what I want for you. I mean… I think it's time I let you go. & that is so hard to do. Because some part of me will be in love with you for the rest of my life. But the daydreaming, the running in place, it's not healthy. For either of us. So this is me, cutting the cord. This is me, doing what I should have done three months ago… saying goodbye." -Dawson's Creek-

I miss you a little, I guess you could say. A little too much, a little too often, a little more every day.

Leaving never hurts as much as being left behind

And it's hard to keep my balance when you look the other way, so I'm letting go with every breath I take in.

never regret what you have done, because at one moment, at one time, it was what you wanted to do.

i bet you'll never remember the thing's ill never forget..

The truth is .. I gave my heart away along time ago. And I never really got it back

The hardest part about walking away from you is knowing you won’t run after me.

I hate to smile just to show that I'm okay, I hate to giggle just to pretend I'm not hurt, I hate to laugh after I cry I still love you but I have to say goodbye.

For every time I've used the word
"hate" to describe my feelings for you
I have used the word "love" three times plus four.

Someone mentioned your name and asked me if I knew you...I looked at them, cracked a smile and said.."Yea, I used to.." {isnt that quote too perfect....}

One day someone is going to find something good in you-
it'll be the part of me you didn't give back.

Yea..If they dont discribe some things.. i dont know what does..

Im hanging out with chen i did last night.. and.. tonight im sleeping at sarahs.. and.. umm.. i saw rachael yesterday.. shes fucking uglier than i though:)..which made me happy.. haha.. and.. umm.. a.j. got attacked by a rot-while-r.. and.. umm.. i talked to josh!..:D.. and.. umm..chen was telling me stuff about Kelli..and.. he seems cooler everyday. Steven lied to me today..And at the end of it all i was the one who was saying sorry.. Dont ask.. i dont know.. and.. um..I saw Mike, matt d., and jer in matt's car..they looked stoned.. but.. i could be wrong. And um..I ate alot yesterday..bah!.. and im still full.. and thats about it.. "this shit sucks."..and.. i want to have an intellegant conversation with a spa-sp-fi-ic boy..ah!.. im just gonna go.. i want to have a good day..hopefully i will..

oh yea!.. steve used re-verse - sphycology on me!.. that stupid boy!.. and made me feel bad! when it wasnt my fault!.. and then jer called..yea.. IM DONE..out homie!..-lauren
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