i miss the old days of livejournal.

Jan 25, 2013 00:17

Oh, man. I know I sound like a broken record, but I just can't help it.

Just now over on tumblr, ladyavatar and I got into a bit of a conversation about livejournal:

What is LiveJournal, anyway? I’ve heard that it exists but have never been on there myself. Is it worth getting one?

Ahhhh, I'm telling you, the question legitimately almost broke my heart. My response:

Oh god, I feel so old now. D: Before the days of tumblr, livejournal was the main hub of fandom communities: your one-stop source for graphics, shipping, personal blogs, video streaming-you name it. As of this coming December, I’ll have been on livejournal for ten years.

The majority of old generation livejournal fans (i.e. those who were a part of the so-called “Golden Age” of Harry Potter) that I was familiar with have already moved away from fandom and onto different aspects of life, and most of the ones who still regularly remain in fandom today are either on dreamwidth (another journal site that is trying to bring back the old iivejournal feel-because LJ underwent a major overhaul a year or so back to try to keep up with other competing social media forums like twitter and, ugh, this one) or here on tumblr. This is just me mourning the fandom communities of the past, when entries were about thoughtfully composed analyses and intriguing discussions and less about a thousand gifs reblogged on top of one another. :(

I mean, I occasionally find those thoughtful metas here on tumblr too, I guess, but I feel like I just need to sort through so many more “FEELS” posts and weird memes and capslock!keyboard-mashing in order to come across them. Just missing the old days. :/

Whenever I find another livejournal kindred spirit, I freak with happiness. The community will never be quite as strong as it used to be, but I’m always looking for another excuse to visit. (Though to be fair, sometimes I think the Harry Potter fandom there could last centuries.) I still use my livejournal as a personal blog, a connection to some old fic groups, to stay in touch with my old fandom friends, and occasionally for ontd_lok updates, but one day… I’ll just have to accept that it’s dying. :(

Please excuse me while I go grieve.

livejournal, i miss the old days, tumblr

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