Dec 23, 2007 00:10
-FINALLY went Christmas shopping and actually BOUGHT STUFF. lol. Every other Christmas shopping trip has been fruitless. My siblings still haven't gone yet, so maybe i'll tag along with them tomorrow to see if i can't find something for Jon.
-I bought some Sculpey for myself to try my hand at my "Pushing Daisies" clay figurine project... I did a decent Emerson, but i'm guessing Emerson will be the easiest since he's bald and i don't have to make any hair and stuff. I gave him toothpick knitting needles. I'm quite pleased about that. xD
-I strolled through Hot Topic because sometimes they have cool cartoon-related stuff that i want. They had some Boondock Saints tshirts but i've seen better (LIKE BRAIN'S... his has the whole Boondock Saints prayer on the back! It is famazing...). They had a bunch of "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" stuff but most of it was like... Cheese and Bloo and Eduardo and they even had Coco, but although i love them I LOVE WILT THE MOST. AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY WILT STUFF. WHYEEEE??? But they had a really cute Zero pin :) FOR FIVE BUCKS. :( Most of their other NBC stuff was sold out though... cuz y'know... even the gothically inclined celebrate Christmas. DUDE. I need to see "Sweeney Todd"...
-I was going to do a Dick in a Box-related Peter/Sam Shorty and Sasquatch but i got to the last few panels and couldn't think of a reasonable way to do it. I liked the thing i thought up for "1) Cut a hole in a box" though. Hee... but NO THERE'S STILL A SHORTY AND SASQUATCH THAT'S ALREADY DONE AND I NEED TO UPLOAD IT. I just have to figure out the SCANNER. *forces brother to fix it*
-I bought some Soft Lips a couple weeks back and i usually get the cherry kind (CUZ IT'S AWESOME) but they were doing a holiday promo of some Sugar Cookie flavor so instead of getting two tubes of cherry in the pack it had one tube of cherry and one tube of Sugar Cookie, and i have to say i'm not a huge fan of the sugar cookie. I read somewhere that Jared buys copious amounts of cookie-scented candles (or as i like to say "canderrrrls") during the holiday season (and why wouldn't he, as he is perpetually full of candy... don't get diabetes, Jared. It would totally devastate... you... me? ALL OF US) and now i want to send him a tube of Sugar Cookie Soft Lips (with a tag that says "I know you'll want to but DON'T STRAIGHT UP EAT IT"). LOL. AND NOW I'M IMAGINING JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE RUBBING CHAPSTICK ALL OVER HIS LIPS. HAHAHA. Oh Last Christmas' SNL... how you continue to rule my life... I can imagine Jared rubbing Sugar Cookie-flavored chapstick on his lips and just licking it all off in like five seconds.
-Conan, The Tonight Show, TDS, and TCR are all coming back at the beginning of next year whether or not the writers' strike ends. :\ But i'm sure they'll use their shows to dig at the bigwigs... or at least i'm really pretty sure The Daily Show will. Oh Jon Stewart... <3
-We ALSO watched "A Christmas Story" last night. LOL. Seriously, guys... it's not Christmastime at my house till we watch "A Christmas Story" xD "Randy... show Mommy how the piggies eat!" HAHAHA i love Randy. He's my favorite... can't put his arms down, eating like a piggy, hiding under the kitchen sink when he thinks Ralphie's gonna get in trouble... hahahaha
ETA: -Why does it amuse me that William Moseley's middle name is Peter? xD ACKWEAWPE "PRINCE CASPIAN".
christmas 2007