"We could be the Fantastic Four! Minus one... but still!"

Nov 12, 2007 22:06

SEE?  I told you DL was okay after they got out of Kirby Plaza!  It was really sad how he died.  So he really IS dead then... not just like pretend-dead like i thought he would've been if being shot by Lindermann had been the "cause" of his death.  T_T  Well that makes me really sad.  He was a fireman!  THE FAM WAS SO HAPPY.  CURSE YOU, GINA! :(

How superamassively creepy was Veronica Mars?  OH!  I remember her name.  Elle.  Yeah.  HOW CREEPY WAS ELLE!?  I still want to know who her Daddy is, though, because it seems like she works solely for the Company... and unless her dad is Bob... she mentions how she set her grandma's house on fire when she was younger, but she doesn't mention any other family members.  But we know her dad is alive because of that one phone call, right?  Someone suggested the disturbing theory that HRG is her dad but srsly... no.  I was going to say maybe she's Claire's sister, but then that would be silly, right?  ... NO IT WOULDN'T.  Hey... they never said WHAT caused the fire that burned down the place Claire was living with her mom as a baby, right? o.O

Also i really can't figure out whether Adam is good or not.  I really want to believe he's good... like Hiro said.  I wonder, too, if Adam knows that the time period he's in RIGHT NOW is the same time period Hiro is from.  I mean, Hiro never mentioned when he was from, right?  So... yeah...

I'm also glad Peter remembers Nathan.  And how that was the key to unlocking all his memories.  That's really cute.  <3

I'm still trying to understand Maya and Alejandro's powers.  How come sometimes when he brings her back the person she was about to kill survives but other times they just stay dead?  I mean... what's the time threshold?  I dunno... just wondering.  BUT DUDE SHE KILLED EVERYONE AT A WEDDING.  That's pretty motherfracking scary...

I had a harrowing thought... what if the shadowy man-figure Claire was kissing in that picture WASN'T West but was Zach?  D:  *doesn't want to think about it anymore*

If you see this post on your flist, post your favorite Jared Padalecki quote in your own journal

"The next thing i knew, they wanted me to meet this guy, Jensen Ackles, and i was like, 'Jensen Ackles?  I have his posters on my wall!'"

I should read more things pertaining to Jared... he's awesomely funny.  His little blurb about being the one who sweats and eats at Chicago Con was also adorable.  *smishes Puppy*

jared, heroes recap

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