"How romantic... well... i mean, for us..."

Oct 26, 2007 18:38

Urgh.  I had the strangest dream last night about this guy i may or may not still like...  >.O

*whimpers*  COLLIN?  PLEASE BE OKAY COLLIN.  I never thought i would love you as much as i love you now, but i DO love you and if something horrible happens to you...  i mean after what happened with Skids... *lip trembles*  It's okay, guys, i'm just getting swept up in my stories...

I think i might be coming down with something.  I dunno.  My throat is still scratchy and i don't think it's because of the smoke inhalation.  Either way, i'm going to take a mask down when i go back to SD as the air quality is still going to be pretty bad for the next week or more.

IN CRACKTACULAR NEWS... i stayed up ridiculously late last night doing things i shouldn't have been doing, and thus i'm done with the three covers i wanted to do starring all the main characters in Cracktacular Cracktacular :)  I actually hadn't really thought about Micah's character design until i started doodling him and was like "CRAP!"  Have i ever mentioned that i don't like his faux-Jheri curls?  They're a bitch to draw!  So i did away with them by putting a hat on his head.  And Grown!Micah in my Heroes OCs does not have Jheri curls... he knows better.  He also knows that Jheri curls went out of fashion in the 80s.  My brother is going out tonight, so hopefully i can get the pieces scanned in to show y'all tonight.  I might even combine them into one big huge collage because i think it MIGHT work.  I can't color it because genius me left my mouse back at the apartment.  That's okay.  I need to be studying/writing my paper anyway.  UGH.  T_T  SO NOT IN THE MOOD.  SO DO NOT HAVE THE TIME.

I think i was going to talk about something else but i forgot what it is now.  I really want to see "Lars and the Real Girl" now that it's out in theaters everywhere.  :3  Maybe i'll do that this week... by myself or something.  Is it sad that i go to movies by myself?  :\  AND I CAN DO SOMETHING FOR HALLOWEEN NOW THAT MY MARINE BIOCHEM MIDTERM IS MOVED TO THE TUESDAY AFTER HALLOWEEN.  YAY!  So... i need a costume...

... Has anyone heard "Sexymassive Black Hole"???  It's a remix of "SexyBack" and "Supermassive Black Hole"... AKA THE PERFECT SONG FOR A SUPERNATURAL MUSIC VIDEO!  GO FORTH, TALENTED VIDEO MAKERS!!!!

cracktacular cracktacular, friendly hostility, life

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