See Lindsay? That's how i feel right now. Except i don't have a Danny to keel over on. *sigh* rofl.
Twenty kids. 4th-6th grade. One has Asberger's. Yes. Again. Except that he's still young and therefore more difficult to get into the rest of the group, and less apt to follow directions. He likes to do his own thing a lot and then all the other kids see him doing his own thing and they all want to go over and do that cooler thing that he's doing. Gonna be a long week... but wee!Flack is back and he's still geeky adorable and lol he remembers me. I need to ask him about his trip but there are so many kids i didn't really get the chance to. There's also this other little boy who's SO cute and smart as a whip. Reminds me of my friend Jesse... before he grew up and went all... HARVEST on us (Harvest being the crazy fundamentalist Asian Christian group on campus... i daresay they're nearly cultish *shudders*) They're wicked good at Hangman, though. Seriously. lol. BUT THE BOYS WERE GRABBING MY ANIMALS. When i clearly told them to touch with one finger. I hate it when they do that. Stupid boys.
And Lusine left this morning so now... it's just me and Jenny. And i'll try not to go crazy over the next two weeks. :x
So i bought a tshirt from Michael's, cut off the sleeves and the neck. The hood is made out of one of Damian's old shirts and then i printed the words on myself. I'm quite proud of it.
Yeah the shirts are kind of thin so if i wear them around i'm going to have to wear another shirt underneath them... but... i pilfered this design from Cafe Press but SHHHHHHHHHH DON'T TELL THEM. I'm not going to sell these for money or anything. I just <3'd the design. The shirt was super big so i actually had to hem it along the side. It's still a little big, but i like the way it falls in the back so i'm keeping it this way. :) And yes all the sewing was done by hand. I just did it while i was watching TV last night. It wasn't that much sewing. Just the hood on the hoodie, mostly. Now i just need enough courage to walk around in these homemade goodies. xD