Aug 07, 2007 17:54
Dude. We had the most ass-bodacious day at the Quail Botanical Gardens today. One of the kids completely talked me under the table when i gave them an intro to insect ecology. I had to break out the hardcore crazy yellow ants stuff and the "ants are the most ecologically influential terrestrial animals." I was floored and completely ecstatic by this one kid who could answer all my questions including ones about spiracles and local insects (of which i know nothing about). Apparently Ariane spent two years in college studying entymology so she had an insect/spider Audobon field guide that i desperately want now. The kids were smart and we got to catch some bugs and study them and draw them and describe them. I found this pair of silverwings that were engaging in a typical Lepidopteran mating ritual. The female was basically sitting on a leaf, fluttering her wings like mad and the male was hovering around her, trying to get some action. It was pretty effing sweet. We'd learned about superstimulus responses in moths. Generally male moths will respond to a wing-beat frequency of 75Hz, but at greater frequencies their responses become more frenzied. It was really quite an amazing find to even see that. There were tons of damselflies and dragonflies around in some of the ponds. They had a lily pond that was really nice and a waterfall in the rainforest part. In the fruit orchard they had bananas, plantains, guavas, AVOCADOS, pomegranates... dude... i think i had the best time ever. But i'm totally POOPED. on the car ride back our van was full of raucous children. I'm sad that i'm not with them tomorrow because they're some smart kids. This one kid like talks up quite a storm. The other kids spoiled him for the seventh HP book, poor guy. They wouldn't stop talking about it during lunchtime. :(
The best part of today was that the American Camp Association was checking out all our camps to make sure we qualify for certification, and since we were offsite at the botanical gardens, we didn't have to get checked up. LOL. Which is awesome because i was COMPLETELY thrown off by that one kid who basically rattled off all the information on insects that i had in the script/syllabus. I ended up just answering everyone's questions. The best part was when they brought up rolly polys and i was like "NAY. THEY ARE NOT INSECTS. THEY ARE IN FACT THE ONLY TERRESTRIAL CRUSTACEAN." Yeah... i did a report on crustaceans when i was about their age. Have you ever seen pictures of isopods? They're basically huge-ass roly polys that live in the deep ocean. Yes, i know i'm an uber nerd...
Tomorrow is my only non full day day. D: Actually i might talk to Courtney about letting me come in just the afternoon on Thursday because i have some things to take care of that morning... I'm pretty sure she'll let me. :D
I'm working my way through my pinups though! I'm in a super drawing mood. I finished my Peter pinup. I'm going to work on fixing my Sammy pinup next AND i fixed my Dean pinup's handcuffs. They look more realistic now... xD PLUS... i believe i'll be posting a new Shorty and Sasquatch by the end of today. LOL. It's one that i've talked to Jill about. She seemed amused by the idea.
Alright. That is perhaps the best thing i have ever seen in my ENTIRE LIFE. I hadn't seen it in a while since they took it off of YouTube but i was watching it again a few nights ago and i CRACKED UP SO MUCH MY STOMACH HURT. And my brother was listening to me and he even said "Wow... a 'Cribs' episode that's actually entertaining..." SO YOU HAVE TO KNOW HOW AWESOME IT IS. I would gladly marry Michael Rosenbaum except i'm a card carrying member of the IBTC, and he's not into that. :( Oh well. I've still got Jensen. xD