(no subject)

May 28, 2010 13:27

I debated making this entry public because just putting this out there for everyone to see might be immature, but fuck it. If everyone else can be immature, I can at least be momentarily childish in order to tell other people what's up.

I am extremely sick of crazy, attention craving, childish, ungrateful bitches. I would have tolerated this behavior at any other time in life, but now I am in college, and I have bigger fish to fry. There is no excuse to be a passive aggressive bitch at this point in your life, so please stop. How many people post on your Facebook does not validate you. Knowing more people than others does not validate you, and those things certainly do not balance our your insane behavior that instantly drives people away. Yeah, this is kinda vague, but whatever. So I'm just going to distance myself from the crazies from now on. Don't point fingers at others when the problems are clearly yours.


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And I don't even like that song.

I'm going to follow this with an actual entry, haha.
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