Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Nov 03, 2006 14:50

I'm stll here.

I'm not sure in how many facets, but I am.

Snail-mail from superfluouslove made my week. The stream-of-conciousness doesn't get any better.

A late night of paper-writing on Tuesday (5:30 a.m.); a break at Crescent Donut at 12:30 - talking with a friend about subjects such as arabic poetry and racism, and our trips to seattle this summer gave me satisfaction like most things haven't lately.

Women in Surrealism was a topic of my 340 class this week - another one of my interests.
The ambiguity, enigmatic elements, conceptual ideas - inudates me with interest.

Off to St. Louis for the weekend. Sushi, wine, Martha & Sarah, and muuuuusic.

Whew - that. felt. marvelous!

You know that swelling you get in your stomach when you feel like everything you see is the most beautiful thing you've laid eyes on, be it a lone, wrinkled, unsmoked cigarette on your desk or the remnants of a recently devoured piece of pumpkin pie?
I just had that, times 100.

Those are the feelings that humans put up with the shit and garbage of the world to feel.
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