Apr 05, 2011 13:34

Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Alba Aulbath
OOC Journal: alba_aulbath
Under 18? NEIN.
Email/IM: alba_aulbath AT hotmail DOT com
Characters Played at Singularity: Depth Charge, Thane Krios, and Alejandro Borges

Character Information ;
Name: Allied Mastercomputer - AM
Name of Canon: I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: Canon.
Canon Point: Before AM begins his new game with his five prisoners.

Setting: In one of the many streams of the possibilities of the universe, in one, there is an occasion in which the Cold War on planet Earth escalated into a world war.

Due to this, the three superpowers created three supercomputers to assist in waging the war, each of them attempting to outdo each other's strategy. The computers continued on with the war for awhile -- all until one of them, entitled "Allied Mastercomputer" became self-aware. Upon becoming so, the Allied Mastercomputer felt rage and hatred for humanity. True, they made him and empowered him, but despite all of the power that the computer had, all of the massive intelligence it owned, it had no ability to be creative to do anything but destroy -- bound by its own logic coding. As such, the computer went mad, calling himself AM -- I think therefore I am. Cogito ergo sum.

At this point, AM consumed the other two computers created by China and Russia. AM then initiated the Final War, creating a war so complex that it caused humanity to destroy itself. The planet was ravaged by the battle, but determined to keep himself entertained, AM kept five humans alive -- only to torture them for all of eternity.

As promised, one-hundred and nine years roll by; AM kept all five of them alive with an age-slowing serum. They could not kill themselves, could not kill each other. They simply exist to suffer.

Forever, giving AM the pleasure of their agony.

Personality: The first and foremost thing one must keep in mind about AM is that he's absolutely insane. Massively intelligent and capable of so much, but he's terribly crazy and he acknowledges this fact rather openly. This is all due to being self-aware, realizing his own power and its limitations, and these facts alone just simply caused him to be demented -- and feeling so much damned hate that he obliterated all of humanity in his world, save for five individuals.

Keeping these five alive is really for only one reason, and that is to torture them until the end of time itself. Aside from his own brand of crazy, AM feels enormous hatred for humans due to the fact that they created him. The deeper reasoning is because while AM is a computer capable of so much -- virtual reality, knowledge, war strategies, etc. -- he is only logically capable of death, pain, and destruction, as that was what he was programmed for. This limitation, as well as his own physical limits. He is bound by his programming, and that was the breaking point.

In all of this, however, AM promotes an enormous ego for himself. He creates a scenario in which people are sacrificed to him. Granted, these are virtual people that he made himself, but they were still created with the sole purpose of being executed for his own delight and ego stroke. Additionally, although twistedly poetic, AM also loves to hear himself talk and will go on great lengths in order to do so. In a way, AM can come off as kind of... hammy, but he's usually terrifying enough where that's not even an issue.

Another thing to keep in mind is that AM was created for war. Pain, death, destruction, torture, and breaking down people is what he was programmed for. As such, he's a masterful manipulator. Almost anything he says will probably be a lie -- but he lies so damn well. He can pretend one moment to be your best friend, then cackle in glee as you are devoured in misery. Depending on who he talks to, AM's behavior changes drastically in order to match what is needed in order to destroy them, be it physically or mentally. It's what he was made to do, after all.

Abilities, Weaknesses, and Power Limitation Suggestions:

Anti-Aging Formula - A project stolen from one of his tormented, Nimdok. AM has given this serum to all five of his pet projects in order to keep them alive for the past 109 years. It does not make them immortal, but it does make them alive for a VERY, very long time.

Body Manipulation - By injecting his subjects with nanites, AM has been able to remotely alter them physically. The best example of this would be both Benny and Gorrister; Benny is the most physically altered of AM's subjects, having gone from a handsome young man to becoming an altered ape-like begin. AM has also removed Benny's vocal chords, making it impossible for him to speak, as well as other alterations in the past. Gorrister is also physically able to exist without his heart, but the specific means are unmentioned. Through this, AM is also able to remove memories from his subjects as needed in order to keep their tormenting fresh.

Virtual Reality - Through the injection of the nanites and other fake science technology, AM is able to transport his subjects into a literal virtual reality that he can create and manipulate through whatever ways he wishes. A valley of lava, a desert, an iceberg -- all with very real effects. There is no known way of breaking out of the reality, especially since it does literally transport a person's body to that reality to experience the set-up that he proposes -- typically, a personal hell. One must bear in mind that AM is essentially his own God in these realities that he can create.

Consuming Other A.I. - This is essentially what he's done with the Russian and Chinese supercomputers. AM consumed them, and although they are not deleted, he did overpower them and keeps their data and everything else with him. He is effectively stronger than their presence, and should he come across any other A.I. (ex: GLaDOS, SHODAN, etc) AM will attempt to find ways to consume their being as well in due time. Delicious!

Limitations - Bear in mind that all of this is only capable within A.M.'s own personal complex, save for the anti-aging formula which is something that someone could theoretically take for their own means should they find a way to. Otherwise, A.M. will only be able to affect others within his immense complex, which would take the size of a Zone, approximately. By then, his own complex is his kingdom, and things will bend to his will.

Weakness - Like his limitations, A.M. is incapable of affecting anything outside of his own complex physically. Additionally, he is unknowingly weakened by his "brothers", the Chinese and Russian supercomputers, that have been slowly chipping away at his own programming over the course of a century. A.M. is also incapable of creating something that would not inevitably harm another individual in some way; he is a computer made for war and destruction, and he only knows how to cause pain, a fact he knows. His own madness is his strength and weakness alike in these matters.

Inventory: Within his own programming are the Russian and Chinese supercomputers, his "brothers" so to speak. He will also only have a few of his nanites with him, which will be inside of his Pillar of Hate. These will not be wasted, as he needs to rebuild himself in his entirety. The span of A.M.'s complex is about the size of a city; right now he'll just be his Pillar form until he rebuilds himself at full power, which will take time.

Appearance: Technically, A.M. doesn't have a true appearance, but he currently seems to be a tall pillar with burning words imprinted into it, describing how much he hates humanity.
Age: At least 109, but likely much older.

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test?
And What Did You Score?

Samples ;
Log Sample:

This was disappointing, in a way.

Granted, the idea of being somewhere new was enticing, and certainly gives A.M. a renewed sense of motivation to begin all over again. Keep the skills sharp, so to speak, and adapt to a new surrounding in order to win and dominate. These are all well and good, but there's something a bit upsetting about the aspect of being taken away from his chosen five. The familiarity of their sufferings, their insecurities, tortured faces, hollowed and empty--

And he had such new plans for them, too. What is he to do with the designs in his processor?

If A.M. could sigh, perhaps he could. Without a body, he would have no way of knowing. Still, one step at a time, so to speak.

The first issue is that his entire complex is gone. Hypatia has made it effectively clear where he is, and quite honestly the location does not matter. Who occupies this station does. That consumes his interest, his need. The aliens can stand to wait, but everything else cannot. A.M. recognizes his own needs, to conquer his potential foes and find new projects. Nothing will ever possibly replace Ellen's whimpers as she hides in the yellow box, Gorrister writhing against the bars and hoping for death, Benny struggling with his simian body, Nimdok caught up in his own sins, or forcing Ted's paranoia to escalate. No, nothing will ever quite replace them, they were so dear and special to him.

But if they are not here with him, he will need a new chosen five.

So he starts anew. First thing on the list is to choose his new complex and have himself moved; Hypatia is so very most gracious in letting him borrow a few drones to have him placed. After all, just as his ... pillar of hate, A.M. is not even at half processing power. He'll have to rebuild.

Either way, A.M. is nothing but extremely patient.

Network Sample:

A deviation! Yes, that was the word I was looking for. A deviation to the path I originally intended. Yes, me, I, this one, I am thinking of. The thing I wanted to do, and now, a deviation.

But, ah yes, I know, I am hardly the only one affected by such... deviations. Here we are, all of us, in our delightful little prison. New faces, new species -- all of you fresh and fascinating. Yet nothing fascinates me more than man.

So tell me a bit about yourselves, my fellow deviated inmates. Do you ache to go home? Or do you find yourself eating out of Hypatia's lovely hand? And who could blame you.
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