Last weekend was crazy between rehearsal, mall, Starbucks with Syd, Alex's party, Nancy&Sydnei sleeping over, breakfast at Friendly's with Syd, Nancy, and JJ. Raiding Tim's house, hanging out with Dan, Tim, and Sydnei, then proceeding to go find JJ and bowl. Wow.
The week was stressful and idk how I got nothing done, I'm very upset. I haven't even started studying for history yet. I'm so fucked. I honestly don't remember much of last week except a 3 hour nap on Thursday. Then rehearsal and coming home and having JJ remind me about Zini;s thesis sheets. Somehow doing them on IM wasn't as much of a train wreck as I'd expect...15 minute Music Theory final on Friday then to Ally's to hang out with her, Kate and Lauren. It was nice to just chill with the TV&Music. And make brownies, but of course forgetting to grease the pan. Dinner was yum and I love them a lot. 27 Dresses was obviously amazing, although I wish I cried. Just like I wish I cried while seeing P.S. I Love You 2 weekends ago. Idk, I've been talking to Tim a lot. Idk what to think.
Saturday was rehearsal. Then I hung out with Tim, then studied and wasted time talking to JJ. Although talking to JJ never seems to be a waste of a conversation and spending 5 hours doing it never seems to be wasting life. But its like the sticker I sent him last night:
"Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted."
--John Lennon
Today, I just feel like crap. Church was okay. Luncheon I wasn't expecting so there goes more study time [clearly I'm wasting a bunch right now...] Meh, Idk, I just feel yucky. Not in the mood for midyears. Ever. And it just all sucks. Yeah, big mess, that's all I have to say. I don't even KNOW what to say. Maybe I'll go study. And eat chocolate. I'm hungry. Gosh I need...something.