Feb 23, 2011 14:39

Feelings - Thoughts - Actions 

It is a big group.  We get hand-outs and we put them in our duo-tangs.  There is homework.  I feel like I'm in school again.  Learning How to Control Your Crazies 101.

Also started the Mindfulness Meditation group yesterday.  I think I've done that before, at homewood 8 years ago, perhaps.  Eat a raisin slowly, notice the texture and taste, focus on the raisin and nothing else.
I have no problem with meditation... Can usually get myself into empty-head meditative state... and then I fall asleep.  Focusing on being mindful on here-and-now without going into that zoned-out state is something I am still learning.  I guess it has to do with my daydreaming issues.  I am so often outside my own head, imagining the life of someone far more interesting.  When I come back to reality, I start to cry.  So, learning to take time to focus 100% of my cognitive attention on what is happening NOW, not the shit that sucked two weeks ago, or the things in the future I'm worried about, but what I am doing Right This Instant.

It's interesting.  Not sure how much it helps.  Have to keep doing it now and then, and see if I notice a difference.

And now to watch The Mists of Avalon.  Dunno why I didn't see this when it first came out... loved the book.
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