NOT the second half of the story

May 21, 2007 22:31

I like posting here at odd times, when the rest of the world is busy working or thinking about work. That tends to be my down time and that's when I drift off into the real me.

I've been downloading music from a sharing site (no ads IN my posts just beside them ) and most of it is older stuff  I haven't heard in ages, my ages.

It takes me back to that time...when we believed even as young people, as kids, that we could make a difference in the entire world. When kids and young people knew if we combined our voices we could be heard and that was what counted. To be heard instead of ignored, to take the chance, not as one person but as 20, 300, 10,000 or more, of being ridiculed (we were),  ostracized (we were), arrested and jailed, beaten and killed (we were), but we were heard.  Who do you think lobbied, argued, demanded cleaner rivers and lakes, bans on poisons like DDT and Thalidomide, the right to worship freely and love freely, the right of the people to know how our reps in DC vote? Who do you think it was if not the people who came before you, like your mom and dad, perhaps even your granddad and grandma,  an aunt or uncle, a neighbor?

Somewhere around you is someone who, deep in their heart, believes the world can be changed for the better...someone who spoke up maybe only once, maybe only a crowd, but they spoke up and made the world a better place for all of us.

So..the next time you see that older guy who's half bald and has a ponytail or that older woman who still bakes her own bread and wears too much costume jewelery you might want to just think  "Thank you."

They're just dreamers with hope and we need them more than ever.

dreamers with hope

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