How things are...

Apr 26, 2011 23:42

Well, the bunny rescue is a constant cause of stress, but things are holding together. We had a very successful Easter weekend. My volunteers are a great team - and Morgan is a god-send. That girl is so capable and so strong. I don't know how she stumbled into me, but I'm so glad she did. She works SO hard, and together (and with some help from Justin, who actually got down and dirty cleaning with us last week) - the place was in perfect shape for the event. We've got a lot of construction-y stuff to still finish. The vet room is going to be done, as well as the new laundry area. There's a lot of expense involved, but we've got some awesome fundraisers planned in the next few months, and I've never had such an awesome team of hard working people who really are so GOOD at what they do.

I'm also delighted to be back with my friends. God, I forgot how good it feels to have dinner with Emily, or shoot into the city for PYT (with Gina and Charles, our new foodie partners in culinary adventure)

Physically, I'm holding up. I've got about 6 lbs still left to lose of baby weight - I'm holding fast at 140, and complaining about it, but let's face it - I'm barely eating unless it's crap, so it's amazing I'm not over 160. I'm constantly running, running, running - between errands, the rescue, rescue-related events, doctors appointments (for me and Kaedin, all his shots and baby appointments) Trying to balance myself, ease back onto all my meds. The crohn's meds (right now, Asacol and Bentyl) are going to be adjusted by the new GI - I'll finally have a "home" GI doctor where I can establish myself and stay. My family doc is not pleased with my last bloodwork - as always, vitamin D sucks, potassium is low, sodium was back to last summer's "danger zone" but I upped my powerade intake, and am taking the 50,000 unit Vitamin D's so I'll be less tired.

Turns out that shoulder injury, where I pinched a nerve last year scuffling with that girl when that kid died in the fatal crash - I injured my rotator cuff. On and off it's been very painful, but today I was seen and got set up for physical therepy to get the shoulder working properly. It hasn't been holding me back - Morgan and I help load and do all the unloading every time we go to the feed store. The guys at the lot laugh whenever we pull up and joke that we're the only girls who ever help with 700 lb purchases. (They also joke that we must have very fat bunnies - would be funny if it wasn't so true - we just had to limit pellets on buns like Toby who are getting too fat!)

Things with Justin and the baby couldn't be better. The baby is sleeping most of the night away, he's really pleasant to deal with most of the time. He still has gassy bouts now and again where he's uncomfortable and squirmy, but once you get a good burp or fart out of him, he's a little snoozer. He's already rolling both front to back and back to front - he's got the army crawl down, but he doesn't go very far. The nurse today said he's near breaking teeth through those gums (hence the constant chewing on his left hand... will he be a lefty??) and that he'll be talking in no time. He already imitates sounds and watches your face as you talk to him. He "converses" back and forth with you (well, or a balloon) It's crazy, I had no idea it would be so... easy? That the transition into going from one of me, to three of us, would be so easy? It's easy. But maybe that's just because it's so right.
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