Growing Up- Creative thursday by marisa
I have had eventful weekends and I can't complain. Christmas/ Get-together lunch with Fo and the gym pals, watching and feeling proud of em playing pretty well at his game, spending simple days together.
I have had fruitful weekends, and I can't complain. Made some Christmas presents, and thought of ideas for new ones.
I have had fruitful days, where I truly learned about life, about love, about the bible, about what I believe and who I want to be. And that's critical.
I have so much I want to achieve in my life now, and in the future. I have many things I want to do within limited resources. I have so many things to share and talk about, and all within limited resources as well.
I feel that I have discovered more about myself, of a whole new level and this self-discovery is a milestone for me because I have never been sure. But this, this I am sure of, and I know I need not be afraid in going ahead to do what I want, to feel proud and excelling at it and satisfied with the fruits of my labor even if I have to make decisions there aren't societal norms nor so-called ideal career moves.
Because all my life, I never believed in societal norms. Especially in my country, I hate how they suffocate. I hate how they stunt growth. Just funny that I discovered how firmly I believe in this, how I do have strong principles and less of a coconut tree, swaying as easily as wherever the wind blows.
And I am not afraid to be sure, to grow and be bold. Because, if God is with me, who can be against me?