Hola chica, mi amor :)

May 05, 2009 00:30

I wonder if I'm an Apple convert, because only where laptops are concerned, I still love my Toshiba though I can sense it's looming death. Why do technical things die on me?

Either way, as I see this tiny, glossy, pretty young thing in my hand, I also see many future runs and skipping. This semester, I've concentrated so much on swims, the legs have not been given its thrashing it so desires, like an addict craving a fix.

Pain is love, you run towards it, not away from it.

Back to boxing with Fo again, and seeing all gym friends, it's quite warming. Come July, it might all have to go, or at least one notch down, and the same questions that I ask myself plastered across their faces as well, "Oh, boy you're gonna miss this place and Fo, can you handle it?"

In all honesty, as do all transitions go, I think it'll be difficult adjusting. Nobody said it was easy, but nobody said it will be that hard, so we'll see.

Today's class was a wake up call, because I realised absentism from Fo's routine of bashing and whacking to the core muscles, I am now no different from a weak chicken, accomplishing only flight of less than a meter off the ground. I used to be fitter, more stable, less hip swing and muscle tremble.

The heart can take the beating, but the muscles can't keep up. That's just a waste. And boy, I've really got to go easy on the fat and carbo.  But but but, alas, DIET =
. Doesn't help that I'm peckish now... Porque??!

Either way, the 'jiggly wiggley' can't stick around for too long!

Work it.

building the plane, trng

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