Dec 20, 2005 22:08
After my last post I remembered that I forgot about Megan (she only worked a couple days), and today I found out that the previously mentioned new employees Be Be and Lula have also quit. So yeah now there have been 16 people who have either quit or been fired since I started working at Glamour Shots. This is by far the highest turnover of employees that I have ever experienced in a job. Maybe I should start looking for a new one myself...
In happier news, it's official now, I am a godmother. I was even able to get Maia's quilt done before the baptism. That quilt took forever, but of course I didn't have much time to make it really. So the next time I make a quilt I'd better get advance warning, and I mean way in advance. Like as soon as you find out you're pregnant, or hey how about just when you start thinking about having a kid, that should give me enough time....
Man I've been so busy lately that it seems I haven't even had time to think. Somehow though I have been quite productive. I even have almost all of my christmas shopping done!
Happy Holidays!