Aug 11, 2006 01:12
...Or so Noah said.
Many historians would later agree that this is a lie.
SO here is the high-level update: I am discontinuing teaching in order to resume learning. The last year teaching has allowed me greater insight into what makes a bad student bad and a good student good. Goodness and badness of students has little to do with the natural ability of students. I had several students who were seniors in freshman level classes who squeaked by with D+'s. The more important factor is how hard a student is willing to work. I had students of all levels who outperformed their peers by working harder.
So I am going back to school at Mary Washington College, the local college. I am going to complete my math degree and get a new degree in computers. At the end of two years, I will have three BS degrees.
I will have more BS than you. This is already a true statement. I will make it more true. Truly, it is more apparent. Parents do not approve of this message. Since the Suncoast closed, I have not been to the mall. Going to Borders and Otakon has monitarily offset the benefits of not going to the mall. Eventually, I will overcome such an obstacle. Observe you such a phenomenon.