(no subject)

Mar 03, 2011 00:27

4th WALL BREAKING: For the original Alice in Wonderland books, go right ahead. For the game... as long as you don't outright tell him he's fictional it's cool, he'll just figure he's famous or something.
THREADJACKING: Go right ahead, HOWEVER if one of the twins has already tagged most likely the second twin will tag right after so if you see that then please abstain. Also a heads up would be nice as well.
BACK THREADING: I'm lazy so hell yes.

MIND READING: Sure... but I don't know why you would ever want to.
LOCATION SENSING: Go right ahead.
TELEPATHY: ... sure I guess?
SPECIAL/MAGICAL ITEMS: ...? Not entirely sure what this is, so I guess drop me a line about it.

FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: The twins have earned the nickname "Bloody Twins" for a reason. They live to fight, and they're absolutely fearless. They're proficient with just about every weapon under the sun including grenades. They think of fighting like a game however so they don't have any real "technique" aside from being completely ruthless and reckless. Also they will double team you, so watch out for that. 
INJURY/DEATH: ... yes, but definitely talk this out with not only me but Dee-mun as well.
WIN/LOSE/TIE: Anything is fine but we should talk it out first. Not that the twins would ever admit to actually losing, they'll claim it was a tie or they won somehow. |D
MEDICAL/PHYSICAL INFO: Well first of all he has a ticking clock instead of a heart. Otherwise he's your average kind of psychotic little shota-twin, except that he has the ability to make himself appear older and taller at will.

ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIPS: If you're psychotic enough. But really the most "romance" these two ever get up to is claiming a person as their own and tormenting them.
SEXUAL RELATIONS: HOW DARE YOU THEY'RE CHILDREN--- sometimes.... haha, I don't know, you'd have to ask both Dee-mun and I on that one. They certainly get sexual in canon but in game chances are the answer will be no.
PHYSICAL CONTACT: Oh, they'll touch you first I'm sure.

ANY TRIGGERS/SECRETS/FACTS YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT: This kid will rarely, if ever, tag alone. Unless something happens to somehow separate him he will always tag along with thebluebrat . Because of this whenever the Tweedles tag they always tag in succession of each other, usually with a two-hit-combo unless otherwise stated. So yeah please keep that in mind when tagging them thank you. o/

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