TITLE: The Stage Is Set. [10]
therecordskipsxRATING: R. Mature themes.
POV: Third-ish.
PAIRING: If you're reading, you know. =]
SUMMARY: AU. He met her on a Tuesday. Just an ordinary Tuesday, like any other day of the week, really, except that it wasn’t at all.DISCLAIMER: I don’t own or know them, and I am 200% certain this never happened
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Kayla. I'm not even gonna say it. You already know you're my hero.
“Hey, hey, where’r we goin’?”
“Crazy!” Shane giggles, and drags him out the door into the night.
“Already there!” Brendon shouts at the streetlamps, the smiling half moon, the sky. “Already there!”
That was cute =]
Ahh this was kind of sad. Ryan needs a hug. I'll volunteer =]
my parents say that all the time when i ask where we're going, and i always laugh, i don't really know why. i think it's fun!
i would hug him, too. in the story or IRL. whatever. =D even though he'd probably be really hard to hug, you know, all pointy. lol. i'm squishy to hug, which makes me a good hugger. bwahaha.
haha I'd feel like I'd break him.
Oh. You've seen the video for Cute Without The E, right?
i would be scared to squeeze him, because yes, i might snap him. i am wayy shorter than him, but i definitely weight more than he does. heh.
yes'm, i have. =]
Okay, so you knew it was based on Fight Club, right? Well, I knew that, and like, they re-did actual scenes from the movie! I just watched it right now. haha it made me laugh. It was cute.
yeah, once i read the book i'm going to go back and notice all these dumb things i didn't notice before. TBS did this fight club photoshoot, i have a picture from it, haha.
When was that? That wasn't for AP about a year ago, was it?
uhm, i think it was, actually. i'm not really sure, i just have a little picture out of a re-print, not the original article or anything.
I see.
So how was your day today?
it was pretty decent. i got up, got dressed, went grocery shopping with my mom. there was a pretty boy and a pretty girl at grocery shopping. then i got chocolate. then i came home, and turned on the air conditioning. therefore, good day. =]
also, dark chocolate reese peanut butter cups are the best things ever. =D
meh...I'm not so much a fan of dark chocolate.
i love dark chocolate. i don't know why. i'm just weird like that. haha.
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