More on Writing

May 10, 2011 15:24

So this week I've decided to basically scrap everything I had for this project I'm working on. Well, not everything, but enough that I'm basically taking it in a completely different direction. Long story short: I got to feeling what I had just wasn't working out and not only that, but I wasn't revealing enough of the world and the things that went on within it. It's sort of funny how I used to hate outlines and now kind of find myself in the habit of making and revising them all the time. I can't tell if that means I'm becoming more serious as a writer (I want things to make sense now ;p) or if it's due to how I've changed as a person recently. Something interesting to pursue in another journal entry, probably.

Anyway, I think I'm doing well with my new ideas. There's just a small bit of a problem with time, I think. I think I need to scale that back and just go by a general timeline rather than detailing everything out by day - then adjust the calendar later. I'm surprised with how serious I've actually become about this project. I sort of DO have a calendar for this piece, an adapted form of the modernized Julius calendar. I'd like to go in and develop my own calendar as well, so that's part of what I'm thinking about as well.

Once I fix the plot of this project I plan on doing a bunch of other stuff, not limited to:
1. A (Mostly) Complete Listing of Characters and Relevant Details
2. A (Also Mostly) Complete Listing of Characters Relations To Each Other
3. Revising the Group of Episodes I Have So Far
        - this is basically taking out the time references and making them more general, fixing the introductions of certain characters and concepts, adding more details in etc.
4. Working a Little More on My Side Project

Which reminds me...I do have a side project to this thing. It's the concept of the 1sentence livejournal community idea, wherein you write a sentence about a pairing instead of writing a little piece about them. I've decided to come up with sentences and use those as prompts to write small pieces about some of the characters of this universe. I would ideally like to keep these quite short, as in a couple hundred words, but I'm not putting a limit on them.

This little side project came about from the thought that every other little side-drabble I was writing for this series kind of/sort of, mostly didn't focus on the two main characters. I mean, they revealed things about them, but those two were never the main focus. And I supposed I should probably do something about that. So this was born. So far I have five sentences. I should start writing the drabbles soon, but I would like to at least get through the plot revision first.

On a completely unrelated note: still trying to find a job and deal with life at home. I would like to get a job not only to start paying off interest on college loans and get away from family for a while, but I also want to start saving up for an apartment. I really need my own space. Right now I see it as the only way I'm ever going to start regulating my mood and dealing with issues that have been plaguing me for a while. I just can't do that where I am.


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