Title: Hidden Garden (3/8)
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, Mild angst, Romance, Au
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story. XD
Summary: Open the door of the hidden garden, little prince didn't think he would find someone that would change his life forever.
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potatoos ♥♥♥♥
A/N: First of all, minna, I'm so sorry m(_ _)m. I made some mistake so I
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Comments 43
I think that Ohno is beginning to remember a little about Nino!!!...Nino don't say anything about their memories....but Nino gives some clues to Ohno so that he can remember...
poor prince, He prefers not to be a prince If it means separating from Nino, only He want to be with Nino!!!
I'm sad!!! I want them to be together!!!....
Thank you for update!!! I want to read next chapter!!!
The next update is already posted XD Thank you so much for reading! Please follow the story until the end okay :D
Let them together this time...
Onegai... T.T
Thanks for the update...
The next is updated today :D Sorry for the delay this time ne! Thank you so much for reading!
yeay.... i'm excited already... can't wait to read the next chapter....
ps: the picture is sooo cutee..... *pats... *pats..
Thank you so much for reading XD XD XD XD
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