I Re-vamped My Bio!

Aug 20, 2004 22:37

Bio: Hey, My Name is Ryan Bell
I'm 16 and i'm the generic brown eyed brown hair guy. I love Anime, especialy Mecha. I obsess over video games just like every 1/4 Males in the world so no suprise there.I love the Final Fantasy series (Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced currently is fight Final Fantasy VIII for my soul) as well as Megaman (Legends was the best) Zelda ( o.o the newest instalment comes in 2005 *drool*) and Metroid! (samus...som much pixelated hotness...and a sequel sooner then Link!) I rave to techno, and snap to jazz, plus i can head bang to rock, but i dare never swing to country, if you catch me doing so, shoot me. On sight. In the knee. So I suffer. I love to work with my hands, ya know building and stuff. Legos, K'nex, Eerctor set i've had my share of em all!(dork dork) I'm not much of a sports buff, but i like beach volly ball (the sand makes it better, not the bikinis....well ok those too) and soccer.(dare I try out senior year?) I'm a lean lil guy with almost no muscle mass ( PEOPLE SAY I STILL LOOK GOOD! T_T) ^_^; but i'm fast! Don't get me wrong, i'm not gangly. :: Laughs :: I like to read fantasy, sci-fi (don't those two walk hand in hand?) and horror. (and isn't this their bastard offsrping?) I truly enjoy Stephen King's work, my favorites being "The Tommyknockers" "The Regulators" and "Desperation" in that order. I also have all of the Harry Potter books in hard cover so far as well. ( I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY THEY'RE GOOD FOR EVERYONE! T_T) Love 'em. I also had a time where I read a LOT of the Redwall Series. My ex-girlfriend got me snagged on Anne Rice's Vampire chronicles (I have to read them now....i've developed a vampire fetish....^_^; ) I'm finally enjoying the outdoor for once in my life, I love riding my bike and even more so, I can't get enough of Kayaking. I'm also getting pretty good at shooting a Rifle (22. REM shot) Oh and thanks to my trip to France I LOVE fencing....(must find...american....based.....classes....)I'm going into French IV and i've already been to France!(it's somewhere in my journal)
Sound interesting? Wanna know mooooore?
*laughs so hard he cries*
^_^ Just send a message to my e-mail.
(Reads it over)
wow....i'm such a dork/(good)freak

"La vie de phase son plus plein parce que vous vivez seulement une
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