- The Basics -
1. Your livejournal "user name": therealsolitare
2. Explain what it means: Umm...I played a lot of solitare, and I was on IRC at the same time with the same name, thus, my LJ username was born.
3. Explain how you picked / why you selected the user picture(s): I had a half pound of uncooked spaghetti in my hair. Why wouldn't I make that my LJ picture?
- The Stats -
4. Date of survey: February 25, 2007
Account type: Free
Friends (#): 35
Friends of (#): 28
Communities (#): 1
Memories (#): 0
Journal entries: 197
Comments Posted: 258
Comments Received: 258 (How they are the same? Good question)
- Your Journal -
5. Why do you have a Journal page?: Because I can
6. Why did you pick LiveJournal (LJ) over another service or handwriting?: Because I knew a few people who were using it at the time.
7. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your LiveJournal represent who you actually are?: 5?
8. How do you think your LJ represents you the most?: In being completely random
9. How much about your life do you post to LJ?: Very little, mainly because I am rather boring.
10. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?: 2, because I'm boring.
11. From who/how did you find out about LJ?: One of my friends in high school, not sure which though.
12. Has anyone ever joined LJ because of you?: Not that I'm aware of.
13. How long have you been a member of LJ?: 12-15-2003
14. How often do you post to LJ?: Rarely.
15. What proportion of your posts are friends?: I'm not precisely sure what this means...possibly because I'm tired.
16. What is your favorite interest on LJ?: Surveys.
17. What is your favorite community on LJ?: I'm only in one, so...
18. Have you ever learned anything new on LJ?: Some fun sites.
19. Has anything on LJ ever caused you to establish, rethink, or even change your belief or position on something?: Nope.
20. How often do you respond / comment on other peoples journals?: Whenever they post something that I can comment on.
21. Do you prefer to write in your Journal, read other Journals, respond to others entries, or get responses to your entries?: I mostly just read other people's journals.
22. What's the longest you've gone without posting to LJ since the day you signed up?: A few months.
23. What's the longest you've gone without reading LJ since you discovered it?: See 22.
24. What is your favorite post you've ever made to LJ?: Good question.
25. What is your favorite post you've ever read on LJ?: Not a clue.
26. What's the weirdest or funniest thing you've seen on LJ?: I don't know.
27. Have you ever specifically asked a question for people to reply to in your Journal?: No. I would much rather have people respond willingly then feel forced to by answering a question that I have.
28. Have you ever tried to play the "trace yourself back through friends from a random LJ user"?: Nope.
29. Have you ever played the "add a sentence to my post" game?: Nope
30. Have you ever lied/fibbed in your journal?: Nope.
31. Have you ever had something mean said to you or been stalked, harassed, or got into an argument/flame war on LJ (or did it to someone else)?: Not that I can remember.
32. Have you ever banned someone from your Journal?: Why would I do that?
33. Has LiveJournal had any significant impact on your life?: A place to vent is always a good thing.
- Friends -
34. Who are your favorite LJ friend(s)?: The ones that actually read the random crap that I throw in here.
35. How many of your LJ friends are your friends in "real life"?: Some of them?
36. How many of your LJ friends have you actually met?: The ones that I have met
37. Have you ever e-mailed or I.M.'d someone you found on LJ?: Nope.
38. Of all of the people on LJ you know of, who is the most like you?: No clue.
39. Who is the most intelligent or insightful person you know on LJ?: Definitely not me
40. Who is the most fun person you know on LJ?: All of my LJ friends are fun
41. Who is your least favorite/most annoying LJ user or community?: Some of the things in the MTU community are somewhat annoying, but that's about it...
42. How do you usually find new friends on LJ?: Usually from other places.
43. Why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list?: Because I know them.
44. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?: All of the time.
45. Do you care if someone adds you to his or her friends list if you add him or her first?: Nope.
Would you remove them from yours if they didn't?: Nope
46. Are there any people's journals (users / friends), communities, interests, or searches you frequent on LiveJournal that you don't or will not list in your user info page?: Not really
- More than Friends on LJ -
47. Is your "Significant Other" on LJ?: Nope :-(
48. Other than your S.O., who are you the most attracted to on LJ?: Sarah? Jen?
49. Who is the sexiest person you know on LJ?: See 49.
50. Have you ever fantasized about someone on LJ?: I won't answer this on the grounds that I may incriminate myself ;-)
51. Would you want to know if someone fantasized about you on LJ?: I would like to know if this happened....
52. Would you date someone you met on LJ?: Through LJ? Most likely not.
53. Have you ever wanted to meet someone on LJ?: Some of the people that I know...
54. Have you ever actually met someone from LJ romantically (or otherwise) and hit it off (or not)?: Nope.
55. Have you ever posted a naughty picture / post / story on LJ? : Because leaving things like that in cyberspace is a good thing....
56. Do you prefer to post from a Client or the Web Interface?: The Internet because I'm lazy.
-About LJ-
57. Do you use HTML to add extras to your entries?: No
58. Is your LJ page customized (at all - even from template or default)?: No
59. Do you usually use the WinAmp music detector, add your music manually, or none at all?: No
60. How well do you know the LJ features and how to use it?: I know enough that I can do things, I haven't put a lot of effort into it
61. What is your favorite LJ feature?: That I can post things to it?
62. What is your least favorite LJ feature (one that you would change or delete if you could)?: I have no idea
63. What feature would you most like to see added to LJ?: I dunno.
64. What moods would you most like to see added to LJ?: Distracted by something shiny
65. donde esta numero 65? No speaky da spanish
66. On a scale of 1-100, rate the LJ for convenience, usefulness, and coolness factor:
Convenience: 70
Usefulness: 70
Coolness: 75
- Miscellaneous -
67. How many other surveys have you done on LJ?: Many
68. How does this survey compare to those?: I've had better
69. Do you think this last question was added solely to get to this number or not?: Of course. It is a survey that is supposed to go online, and the questions toward the end sucked.