The crush meme

Aug 24, 2020 09:11

Dear flist,

I know the official rule is to post the picture without comment. I think it's a rather silly rule, and I want to encourage everyone to break it. At the very least, provide the name, under a cut or in a comment to your own post if you want to be coy or live in fear of the meme police, but then we would at least have some chance of learning something about the person in the picture. Some look as if they might be interesting human beings.

So far, I think I've spotted Bette Davis. And I recognised the Good Witch from The Wizard of Oz but that was more from knowing the person who posted it really well. Other than these two, it's just an endless row of faces.

There are clearly a great many crush-worthy people in the United States whose faces never became familiar in Europe. Give them a name, please. It might make this meme interesting for us, Europeans.

There was a similar meme on Facebook - seven books (covers) that mean a lot to you, without comment, and the very reason that worked much better is that in that case there was a title and author to google on if you wanted to know more. So people started commenting and responding to one another, because there actually was something to talk about. I noticed very few comments to the crush meme - might well be that not just the Europeans are clueless as to who they are looking at.

Actress Leslie Caron, in the television series Docteur Erika Werner. It was an exiting series for a young teenager, and I thought Leslie Caron the loveliest woman ever.

So of course I wanted the book. In the book, instead of being this interesting older woman (I was a young teen, remember!) the main character was a twenty-something! Little Hoggywartian avant la lettre that I was, I was furious. Wanted to ask my money back, basically.

So this was one case where the film was better - trust the French to rewrite it for an interesting older woman!

Still, Caron is an excellent actress and a lovely woman. She also (when much younger) played Gigi in the eponymous movie with Maurice Chevalier, the one that has the A Fine Romance song.
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