My Friends my favorite month of the year is coming.... WWOOOOooOOOoOOOooooo.. October the hallowed month is near. Tons and I repeat tons of anticipated horror, and sleaze and genre movies are coming out. Some of which I have already via my connections and are waiting to be reviewed right freakin' here. Others I have the hot ticket of seeing at the TORONTO AFTER DARK FILM FESTIVAL in the centre of the month. At the festival I shall be rocking out to Tokyo Gore Police, Trailer Park of Terror and I Sell the Dead. Then my friends on the DVD scene ... oooohh man is there some shit... Anacondas 3 starring David Hasslehoff. Return to Sleep Away Camp, due to Issac Hayes death it is FINALLY getting released. Zombie Strippers finally gets a DVD release as well as Feast 2 and My name is Bruce on the festival curcuit. Halla looo ya!!
Let's party stupid style on our movie watching countdown to HALLOWEEN!!!
See ya on suckas remember, stupid is as fun does
P S SCREW YOU JOSH.... JOSH Jokerschild suggested I would like Monster Man, I am watching it now... and it sucks... sucks hard