Jun 05, 2005 02:42
Why is everyone sad now this is not the time to be it is a happy time. We have just completed a milestone in our life and am preparing to go onto bigger things. I, myself am excited at this time one chapter closing and another one opening. But you must remember with every new chapter it is build on the previous one and progresses on from the previous. So dont start saying your good bye's yet there is still plenty of time for that later not now.
Why is everyone sad and crying now? Why is everyone looking almost 3 monthes down the road instead of today? There are still alot of todays left until we go our seperate ways. So lets enjoy all of these todays while they last and forget about the tommorows since they have yet to come. Sure they will come but not today. And not for many todays to come.
But it isn't good-bye. It never will be. We will be our seperate ways doing our seperate things but if we want to stay in connect we can. Sure we are departing eachother for a short period of time. But we are taking with us all the memories we have made. So unless we forget those memories it will never be good-bye, just "See you soon"
Spend time with the ones you love now instead of thinking about them not being there many tommrows from now. Let's not fight or hold grudges since this is not the time for it. The grudge you will hold is probally for a stupid thing anyway.
It is not the time to isolate yourself with three other people but instead open up and see and spend time everyone you can. There are only so many todays left. Don't waste them since you will regret it whne all of the todays are gone and tommorow is coming fast. So enough of this sad good-bye crap and enjoy like it is just another today.
I would not trade these times with the people I love for anything and I will not let thoughts of tommorow interfer with today. I hope you all wont either since it will make it a short sad summer instead of a long happy one filled with alot of memories. Remember this and repeat it whenever you are feeling sad about going away in the fall "I will not let thoughts of tommorow interfer with today."