(no subject)

Oct 09, 2003 20:50

My email was broken. I fixed it. This makes me feel good. Since I left work, I've been feeling less and less technically competent. Being able to track down and fix this problem assures me that I haven't managed to revert to a complete newbie over these past few months.

koyote is working on getting some servers going. I need to find some worthwhile project that I can do in order to learn stuff and keep my skills up. The problem is that it has to actually be something I feel like doing, otherwise I won't do it. I've got too many other things I'm not doing already.

I'm having a godawful time remembering due dates for my classes. I've decided just to keep up as best I can, but not stress about them. I'll do enough work to pass, but I'm not going to worry about doing assignments on time (or at all) if it isn't likely to make me fail.

I have another class that starts up on the 20th. Do I really want to stay in it? It's only one unit, and probably the class that will be most applicable to being a parent, but it's also the class that doesn't help me out a whole lot with the certificate program.

Uh oh, Leif just woke up.

school, geek

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