(no subject)

Sep 11, 2003 05:50

The boy and I aren't sleeping well tonight, hence the pre-6AM post. I'm not sure what it is. I had a bit of root beer sometime after 9:00, but I've had more caffeine than that on many occasions before without it effecting us.

I think perhaps he's slept too much over the past few days and has slept himself out, and since he insists on sleeping on my chest, he kept me awake as well.

This wouldn't usually be bad, as we generally do nothing all day and could sleep if we wanted to, but there's a parents club meeting at 10:30 which I'd really like to go to, since I don't know anyone around here.

So I'm kind of working on an essay for the short story class I took last year (I got an incomplete). I don't need to do it, since the professor already gave me an A, but I feel that I should get it done anyways. And I actually kind of want to. The topic is interesting to me - how Isabel Allende's short story "And Of Clay We Are Created" is a metaphor for watching her child die (which happened at around the time the story was written). I'm just not sure I can get enough out of it to make a full length essay.

The boy passed out. I should go shower so that I can go to sleep till the last minute, except I'm afraid he'll wake up.

I'm trying without success to figure out a bus route that runs where I need to go. Our DSL is out, so this is difficult, as our dialup is painfully slow. I'm sure there are busses that run that way, but I can't find a mention of any of them, at least at the time of day I need. Oh well, it's a mile and a half, so not an overly painful walk, as long as the boy is happy being carried that far. He's generally ok as long as I'm moving.

Looks like I found it. Yay. Now I will go shower and sleep. (Gee, I sure didn't get much of this essay done. Imagine that.)

sleep, writer's block, leif

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