(no subject)

Apr 23, 2003 18:48

I'm eating spaghetti and cheese baby food because it was there (koyote brought it home for the rattie, who did not stick around long enough to eat it), and I was hungry. It's pretty gross. I realize babies have sensitive taste buds (pizza was too spicy for me until I was 6 or 7) but this seems kind of ridiculous.

Imagine really bland spaghetti-o's with an odd texture. That's this baby food.

It's probably just as well we never got a chance to give it to Gweny. She probably wouldn't have touched it, and we would have worried. At least until we tasted it ourselves.

Oddly, Jaycee the cat seems to like it quite a bit. She always was an odd one. At least we know what to do with the other four jars (they'll expire long before baby gets old enough for them).

I'm supposed to have a short essay on Jane Eyre done by tomorrow. Actually, I was supposed to have it done by the Thursday before spring break. I haven't finished the book yet, which is sad, because I like it, but it isn't exactly easy reading, so I keep getting distracted by brain candy books, which are much more pleasant to read when trying to relax.

I'm also supposed to write an even shorter essay on The Awakening, which I haven't read, and which isn't going to get read tonight.

I can't bring myself to care half a whit about either of these.

I shouldn't have signed up for this class. The professor is already sick of me after last semester. I'm just a complete and utter flake when it comes to writing essays. I do well enough at anything else.

Unfortunately, I won't graduate this semester anyways, since I didn't get the paperwork turned in early enough. By the time I bothered to look at the deadline, it had already passed.

It kind of pisses me off that we have essays at all in this class. None were listed on the original syllabus. I should know by now, having had two other classes with this particular professor, that she adds assignments right and left. We've had an un-syllabused group presentation, as well. During the film class, she decided halfway through the semester that we needed to fill out question sheets for each movie. Worse, she decided that this applied retroactively - that we had to go back and fill them out for all the movies we'd already seen. This was slightly annoying. Not that the sheets were much work, but it's much more difficult to fill them out when you haven't just seen the movie.

I guess I will just do the response for The Awakening and put off the other one again. Better than stressing about both and getting neither done, which is what I'm likely to do otherwise. Yay for SparkNotes.

I'm debating taking next semester off entirely. I'm tired of feeling like the stereotypical slacker eternal student. If I knew I'd have something to do besides take care of baby and go out of my mind due to lack of adult contact, I definetly would.

Baby grew this weekend. Or maybe I'm just eating too much. I put on one of my pairs of too-large pants this morning, and discovered that it is now in no way too-large. In fact, it is too-small. They fit ok last week. It may just be that they're now freshly washed, which tends to make them smaller till they have a chance to stretch a bit. But they were tight enough that I didn't feel like giving them the chance to stretch.

I want to rant about my mother's choice of clothing gifts for me, but it makes me feel too ungrateful. At least she's giving me stuff, and she did give me the receipt, so I can exchange it.

I got scolded today for not having thought about how I want my baby shower to be. I thought that other people were supposed to figure these things out for me.

I wish we were still moving to Arcata. I liked it there. I've seen it mentioned all over the place lately due to their civil liberties laws, and it's making me homesick. If you can be homesick for a place you've spent maybe 6 hours in, that is.

*grump* Don't wanna do schoolwork.

Schedules bug me. I want to get stuff done when I get it done. I want to go into work when I feel like it, not force myself out of bed before I'm ready in order to get there on time.

I'm full of contradictions, aren't I? I want to be able to do nothing, yet I'm afraid of having nothing to do.

I want stuff to do. I just don't want to be forced to do anything in particular.

Really, I'm just a lazy ass.

I need my "grump" userpic for this, but I got rid of it since I never use it, since I usually end up deleting grumpy, whiny rants.

school, angst, cats, ratties, writer's block, pregnant

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