(no subject)

Apr 18, 2003 21:50

Our rattie baby, Matilda, died tonight.

As koyote and I have posted before, she was sick. But she was doing so much better. She was happy, and had a good appetite, and was exploring and climbing in her cage. And then I came in to feed her and she was dead.

Poor rattie girl.

I do not like reminders of mortality while pregnant.

I'm not sure what we're going to do about Gwendolyn now. She's seemed lonely and depressed since we took Tilda out of the cage. So we have to get more ratties to keep her company, but I do not want to take on the responsibility of more rats right now. But if we don't, I'm afraid she's just going to waste away. She's already not really eating, though she shows no signs of the respiratory infection that Tilda had (and the vet agrees with this).

Ugh. I think I'm going to watch Totoro or something. I can't deal with any more tonight, and things keep getting worse.

This time of year seems to do that for me.

angst, ratties, death

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