(no subject)

Mar 03, 2003 20:57

I feel like the world's biggest screwup today.

My brain is a sieve.

I can't do anything right.

I'm too stupid to be able to participate in an intellectual conversation at a meaningful level.

I'm messing up baby's brain by imprinting negative thought patterns, or something like that.

I'm messing up baby physically by not eating well enough, not getting enough exercise, etc.

I hurt physically. I'm tired of not feeling well.

I whine too much.

I think I'm going to go do reading homework till I fall asleep, which will probably result in my not being able to sleep past midnight or so, since I already took a nap when I got home.

Comments disabled because I'm just whining, not fishing for compliments.

the baby ate my brain, angst, pregnant

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