
Aug 10, 2001 23:43

I'm debating whether my ex or Mike is the most infuriating person I know.

I think my ex wins.

Yesterday at work we were discussing nail polish. I said I liked sparkly nail polish. Not that I usually wear it - I just think it's fun. My co-worker said I wasn't the sparkly nail polish type. Hmmph. That's what she thinks. I think this is why I spent the evening drawing all over myself with pastel metallic gel pens and painting my toenails with green glitter polish.

The gel pens actually look pretty cool on skin. Not sure how easily they'd come off, or if they'd hold up at all under sweat, though.

Now to go read a bunch more Ender's Shadow, since everyone I have any interest in talking to has gone to bed. Damn time zones.

books, relationships, work

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