The great laundry mystery

Jan 06, 2003 18:08

Last night I started three loads of laundry in the apartment complex's laundry room. When I came back to switch them to the dryer, there were two loads of my laundry, and one load of someone else's laundry in the washer where mine had been.

My laundry basket, which I'd left sitting on top of that particular washer, was still there.

I left a note for the people with stuff in the washer asking if they knew where mine had gone. Today, when I got back from work, I checked again. The note was gone, but the other person's clothing was still there, and there was no message on the answering machine.

I talked to the manager, who was quite distressed, as someone else had some missing clothes about a month ago. Unrelatedly, she also said that it would be fine if we extended our lease through August (it ends in June, which is terribly inconvenient given the baby and all).

After that, I checked the washer one last time. On a whim, I pulled up the pair of jeans, and discovered it was mine. I dug through it some more, and found a few more items of clothing that belonged to me or koyote. Not a full load. Just a few things. The rest of the clothing was someone else's.

So the great mystery is...who was the dumbass? It was probably me - it makes more sense that I threw a few items in on top of someone else's laundry and thought it was a full load than it does that I would have put a few things in a load, and someone else happened to come along, move the laundry basket, put clothing in, and move the laundry basket back. That takes actual effort, while with me it would have just been stupidity.

But the other person's laundry was all on top of mine, hiding it. And they're the ones who have left their laundry sitting in the washing machine for nearly 24 hours...

the baby ate my brain, pregnant

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