Oct 31, 2002 22:30
I saw Orion tonight. It's the first time this year, and the first sighting of Orion has, for some reason, always been a significant point for me.
I think the first time I ever identified Orion on my own was also a Halloween. Around Halloween anways, as I was walking to a Halloween party at Kris' house with Jorge at the time.
(Note to self: Why do I consider it Kris' house rather than Karl's?)
The next year I didn't see it until the night before Thanksgiving, the night of an illicit Internet meet. Olivia - you were my excuse to my parents :)
Jorge ended up dating one of my best friends (who knows if they're still together...last I saw either of them was close to two years ago), Kris died in a plane crash, and I'm here, doing whatever it is that I'm doing.
I think I've had too much sugar today.