The Daily Twit

Dec 16, 2009 00:05

  • 14:53 @ The_Guttersluts: tachyarrhythmia? bradyarrhythmia? Fibrillation? #
  • 16:06 Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr #
  • 17:11 Good news: If I get a 96% on the final, I can get an A. Bad news: No one in the class has got more than a 95% on any test this semester. #
  • 18:20 @ The_Guttersluts: Concerned Nursing Student says get that checked out if you haven't yet. Even though you're probably right. #
  • 20:44 @ mactavish: I can't find a Hello Kitty Bible (at least not the Christian sort), either. Or Book of Mormon. #
  • 21:01 @ mactavish: does count? #
  • 21:05 @ mactavish: I think I remember that! #
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