(no subject)

Sep 15, 2006 20:30

Today was a really nice day overall. I woke up in a terrible mood, but napped for a while and felt much better. Then I sat around and relaxed or slept most of the rest of the day. I didn't feel compelled to clean beyond a sweep of the cobwebs in the bathroom (how do they accumulate so fast?) and the normal dishes and laundry. It was nice.

After Leif woke up from his nap, we went for a bike ride to meet koyote after hapkido. I think I'm not going to be riding much anymore. It's still more comfortable than walking, but occasionally just a little too uncomfy. We'll probably go to the library or the store and that's about it - there isn't really anywhere else we need to go that is far enough where a bike is significantly easier than walking.

I'm at the point where it could be six weeks, or baby could come tonight, which is frustrating from a clothing standpoint. I'd feel dumb buying pants (which I need with the weather changing - right now I have no pants that really fit comfortably other than flannel pajama pants) and then having the baby shortly afterwards. On the other hand, I don't want to be stuck with shorts for another month. And while I'm not actually physically uncomfortable in the shirts I have, few look particularly good.

I think I need to look for loose elastic waist pants and skirts (which I don't normally wear because of biking, but I've already addressed that), with maybe some leggings for under the skirts or something. Stuff I can wear post-baby, too. Elastic waist stuff is hit or miss, though. I have two pairs of shorts that are very comfortable, and some others that aren't for more than a few hours at a time.

Man, I don't think I've ever talked about clothing so much as in the past 4-5 months.

Leif has a new jacket. He is adorable in it. I think something about wearing pants makes him look older. Or perhaps he just grew again. He does that.

He's so much fun these days that I rather hate to screw it up by throwing a baby into the mix.

pregnancy, leif, clothing

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