(no subject)

Sep 07, 2006 22:39

Today was somewhat frustrating after how perfectly everything worked yesterday.

The co-sleeper did turn out to be too good to be true :) The bars needed to convert it into a co-sleeper/bassinet are missing, as well as the liner. It is still perfectly functional as a playyard, and there's no reason I can't use that for naps, so I'm not really upset at all. And replacement parts are on my registry so I still get to test the bed hypothesis.

After a big pickup mess, we have a futon from freecycle. The full size mattress we've been using will go on freecycle (actually, probably craigslist so I can just say "it's here, come and get it!" rather than having to arrange pickups which will probably be as screwy as ours was) unless any of you locals happen to want it (just the mattress, no box spring). Yay for bigger bed that takes up less room!

Leif adores the new house. Whenever we leave, he is impatient to get back to it. He's very happy to have his movies back, but he's also really into helping out with cooking or yardwork or whatever people happen to be doing.

Right now he's sleeping, cuddling his baby doll and the pieces of wire that koyote brought home from work.

The heat wave is supposed to die down tomorrow, with highs in the mid-80's (as opposed to the mid-90's that we've been having).

koyote has a nice lucrative short term contracting job. I'm barely seeing him, but it should mean he won't have to worry about working much for a few weeks after the baby shows up, so it's a worthwhile trade.

Maybe we can get the saved baby stuff out of storage this weekend so I can be all nesty and wash everything and stuff.

I am also feeling this crazy need to go and put away the summer clothing and get out the winter clothing and give away Leif's old stuff and so on. Insane because we'll probably be having warm weather during the day through October, so I definitely can't just get rid of it all.

I'm curious which of my pants will fit post-baby.

I need to figure out Halloween costumes now while I have the time and energy. It just seems too early to be thinking about that.

pregnancy, loa, moving, leif

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