(no subject)

Aug 30, 2006 00:12

I hate it when I feel the need to be productive and can't do anything about it. So you get me being frantic here, instead.

The local diaper service sells packs of retired diapers (DSQ prefolds, obviously), dyed lavender, 6 for $3.75. Not recommended for diapering - I don't know if that is an actual quality issue, or because they have a conflict of interest. I should order a pack and see what sort of shape they are in and if they'll let you specify size (if they don't, a co-op of some sort might work... Or just save the too big ones for later). Because that's really cheap. Also need the check the price on prefolds at the local baby store. I assumed they were expensive, but realized that the lack of shipping cost might make up for it.

I'm tempted to switch from motherease diapers to kissaluvs on our registry. They're not that much more expensive, a lot nicer, and size 1 should fit long enough to be "worth it". They would have fit Leif from about 2 months - 18 months or 2 years. But he can still wear the motherease now. Not that I really expect anyone will buy them, anyways.

I'm going to bet someone does get us the Pack-N-Play, which is the lowest priority thing on the registry, just because they so desperately want us to have something even vaguely crib-like. Not that I'm complaining, really. I wouldn't have put it on there if I didn't want one. I'll just be highly amused.

Leif fell and split his lip today. Poor dude. Amazingly, especially given his monkey tendencies, I think this is the worst he's ever been injured. And it really isn't that bad - bled a lot at first, but the cuts are small.

What should I do with this nice useless crib bumper I have in my posession? It's all yellow and gender neutral and stuff and I hate to throw it away. But it really is useless in its current form. Even if we were doing the crib thing, they're a safety hazard. And it takes up space.

Edited at 3 months: * = what we're actually using. ** = not using currently, anticipate using it on a regular basis in the future. - = stuff I haven't used much, if at all, and don't expect to use in the future.
What we have:
Sit'n'Stand stroller
*Infant car seat for stroller/home use (not necessarily safe for car)
*Jogging stroller (useless for baby until 6 months or so, but can sling baby and use it for Leif)
-NoJo sling
Sling lent to friend (didn't get it back)
*Maya Wrap sling
*Homemade wrap carrier
**Mei tai carrier in storage
*Small supply 0-6 month clothing
More clothing in storage (unknown quantity)
*Avent Isis pump with a few bottles
**Bottle sterilizer (if we ever get the distilled water it needs)
*2 dozen infant prefold diapers
**3 dozen or so premium prefold diapers (too big until 6 months or so) spread between storage and various family houses (Hmm. Wonder what happened to the stuff I left at mom's. Damn family drama)
*5 motherease fitted diapers
*Bouncy seat
*5 snap bibs + possibly some in storage (Snap bibs are the best. Velcro bad)
Some toys
-Crib sheet (aka spare fabric) and that damn bumper
*Boppy-type pillow (big - it's like giant boppy from hell! But that probably makes it more useful) (It was wonderful for the first while - I stopped using it around 2 months or so)
*Probably some cloth wipes in storage (made some out of old flannel pants)
-Some sort of weird dollar store baby bath thing of questionable usefulness
Possibly 95% of a tube of lansinoh, if I didn't throw it out. (Used on one occasion, will use more if I ever do wool covers)
-A medela lactina/symphony parts kit, sealed, probably useless to me unless I go work for the university. Any of you all need it?
Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper (might use the playyard portion later. Who knows)
**Pump In Style pump+backpack+parts+bottles
**Various other bottles
(All that was obtained for under $20 total, disregarding stuff used first with Leif)

What we need:
Convertible car seat
*Smaller cloth diapers (or diapers of some sort, anyways) (Found a bunch of old prefolds)
*Diaper rash cream
**Milk storage bags or something
*Pads for me to bleed all over (I know, TMI, sorry)
Halloween costumes!

What we don't need immediately but would like/use/need in the future:
*Infant car seat (maybe cheap secondhand just to use with stroller and around the house)
*More clothing
*Receiving blankets (can just cut up and zigzag stitch some of our many old flannel sheets)
Ergo carrier and accessories
Baby hammock (may make as a joint project) (Don't want anymore)
Wet bag or 3
Large wool blanket to lanolize and use as bed pad. Wool sweaters to felt and make into covers (hopefully more successfully than my last attempt)
*Different jogging stroller, or better stuff carrier for existing one (hmm... Check online, might be able to buy replacement)
**Bike trailer with better suspension, but that's totally a luxury since we already have a few other bike options for when baby is old enough
**Bike helmet for when baby is old enough
Pack-N-Play with bassinet (co-sleeper instead).
The One True Diaper Bag that will carry baby stuff, a change of pants or two for Leif, and my stuff, which can be used with either a sling or two-shoulder carrier. (Maya wrap with pocket has been working very well for this)
Better pump (might need later, might not)

hippy, consumerism, leif, pregnant

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