(no subject)

Aug 16, 2006 03:31

I woke from a dream that I ran into a teacher friend of mine, and was talking to her about my friend's daughter, and was excited to realize she'd be her teacher next year. When I woke, I was still excited (I think that teacher would be really good for her) until I realized several things.

1. This teacher is in san diego and we are not.
2. This teacher no longer teaches middle school, and hasn't in more than 10 years.
3. The way that school district handles handicapped kids, I'm not sure she would actually be her teacher. At the time I was in middle school, yes, because they just stuck her with everyone pretty much. Now I don't know. She teaches at the high school level now, and I'm inclined to think that my friend's daughter would go into the class my mom taught rather than her class. Except they've changed since my mom left even, and its very possible she'd be in the new class instead. I expect the kids in my mom's old class ended up split between teacher friend's class and the new class.

I'm curious how much mainstreaming they do there these days. In Davis, everyone is mainstreamed, I believe full time, accompanied by aids if necessary. At my old school, they have lots of special classes and stuff. Not sure which is the better approach. Probably somewhere in between. My impression of Davis is that they're probably spread a bit thin, though friend's daughter seems to be doing really well here. And I'm not sure how much my old school is doing the "shove them off in the (expensive and impressive looking) corner where no one actually has to deal with them" thing.

I'm sure you all care. I just found it funny to watch my logic and inner education geek gradually wake up.

Anyways, I woke up lonely and restless and bored. Lonely is a problem because I don't have enough of interest to talk about to justify waking up koyote again. Restless is a problem because I'm likely to start frantically cleaning again and, if I'm not going to sleep, at least I should get some rest. Maybe I'll try the irc client on this thing again.

Leif has another stupid cold and keeps waking up coughing. Poor dude. I can't wait till he has a yard to go run around and go crazy in. Not that that would help his cough any.

sleep, subconscious

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