Will work for AC

May 31, 2006 16:01

For the handful of you who aren't already aware, I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant. No offense meant to anyone who was filtered out - I didn't feel like having it be general UCD knowledge in case I found a job I wanted to apply for or something. But at this point it doesn't really matter, and I expect people know anyways :)

The filter in question is gone, and pregnancy-related posts are plain old friends-only if anyone cares to look, which I don't really expect you do.

I feel the need to simplify my filter structure in general. I tend to make a new filter every time I post about something I don't feel comfortable with some specific person or group seeing. But I'm exhibitionist enought that I still want it to be seen by the largest audience I feel comfortable with. This leads, as you might expect, to a few too many filters (10 at the moment, most of which are barely used).

I wish there was a way to view posts by security level. That'd make it much easier to go back through and change security levels as I restructured.

Of course, the true long-term answer is to trust you all more and compartamentalize less.

Thinking about worky type stuff...

For the past 5 years or so, my primary interest has been pregnancy/birth/parenting related stuff, especially for "crisis" groups (young parents, single parents, anyone who doesn't fit into the 30 year old in a heterosexual marriage with a middle to high income job ideal).

If I could get some nice reasonably challenging computer work as part of it, all the better. The two fields tend to attract such different people that both in one job would be unlikely. But on the other hand, small NPO doesn't necessarily need the added cost of a computer consultant...

I don't have any particular interest in being a homebirth midwife. Not that I don't believe in homebirth, but it's a level of responsibility and legal risk I'm not comfortable with, and I'm not sure it's where I can do the most good.

I've considered the Certified Nurse Midwife thing, and it's quite possibly that would be the most versatile and useful option (I've even seen recruitment ads from New Zealand for CNMs), but that would probably take at least 3 years of full-time school for my BA (I haven't done enough science-related for my previous work to count for much) plus the graduate work. I'm not sure that's something we can manage.

Becoming a certified doula would be pretty quick and easy, but that's not really a survivable job, especially since my primary interest is not working with nice stable upper-middle income familes who are willing and able to pay the higher rates. It's more of a supplemental income type thing.

It's possible I can find something related given my current degrees and experience. It likely would pay less than $10 an hour.

I can probably find some computer-related job that is reasonably enjoyable and pays well enough to get by, but isn't going to make me feel particularly good in the long run. And I don't think I can manage any sort of serious school at the same time.

This is all speculation at this point - while I can still probably hide the bump enough to get hired, it's really not what I want to do right now. Except that working somewhere air conditioned over the summer would be really nice.

work, pregnant

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