(no subject)

May 11, 2006 16:12

I see a new meme going around:

Comments are screened. If you've ever had a smidge of a crush on me, feel free to comment below. I won't mock you, and only you and I will ever know. Then post this in your own LJ and see who might be crushing on you.

Frankly, there are too many people out there who I just don't want to know about to justify possibly satisfying idle curiosity about a few :)

Hmmm....could turn on anonymous commenting instead of screening replies... that would give the ego boost without quite the potential creepy factor.

I doubt I'll respond to anyone else's. Either you're already aware I have/had a crush on you, or there's a reason I haven't told you previously that still applies.

Sleepy sleepy sleepy. Need to remember how to sleep at night, rather than coming up with ideas that seem brilliant in the middle of the night and idiotic once the sun comes up.

As I referred to previously, Leif woke up the other morning suddenly knowing how to use a computer. This isn't all that odd for a kid his age, except that, for all that we're geeks and all, he's never really had a computer of his own. He's watched movies on a computer, and "played games" (meaning he watched and occasionally pointed while one of us manuevered the mouse) for 20 minutes every week or two on the library computers, but he's never really interacted with them himself.

Now he plays the Blue's Clues game all on his own, and just started the Madeleine game, also all on his own, so somehow he's discovered how to double click. I thought he'd done it by accident, but he threw a fit when I tried to start Blue's Clues again instead, and was very insistent that Madeleine was the one he wanted (though it held his interest all of two minutes).

Hmm. Something smells like burning. I hope they aren't trying to burn down the complex again like they did the other day. Well, a storage shed anyways.

tech, sleep, meme, leif

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