
Feb 14, 2006 17:23

I've been having nuclear bomb dreams, which happened a lot with Leif, too. However, I was reading his journal just before these dreams happened, and read about one of those dreams, so that may have been the trigger.

The first was an interesting Star Wars meets LOTR meets Dune thing. We were rebel fighters. The rebel base was located directly below the base of the group that represented the Empire. This was a building at Indiana State University (wtf?) that happened to resemble the education building of the church I grew up in, which has always been a common setting for my dreams.

I was working for the Empire, but was actually a rebel. I got on the elevator to head down to the lower levels, but an orc tried to get on at the same time as me. Fortunately, orcs are slow and stupid, so I hit the door close button and then went up instead to throw it off my track. Then I started back down, and realized that the orc would likely try to get on again when the elevator passed that floor again. Oops.

It didn't, so I headed down. Everyone was talking normally. I told them to shut up, because I feared I was being followed. They did. We received news of a major turning point victory. Then a droid on our side came in, followed by one of those round black cartoon bombs with a wick. The droid said some very C3POesque apologetic stuff, and the person he was talking to tried to reason with the bomb. Then the bomb started drilling down towards the center of the earth.

I thought how the victory must have been really major if they would destroy their base along with ours, and how sad I was that we wouldn't get to see things through just when they looked so hopeful. No worry for myself or fear of death at all.

In a lot of dreams where I die, the dream just keeps on going as if the death-causing event didn't happen. This time I woke up.

If I hadn't woken up in a panic, it would have been a very entertaining dream.

Then when I was napping, I dreamed that we heard the emergency broadcast system come on the radio. I assumed it was a test, but then they cut directly to a speech from the president. Rather than waiting for him to get around to telling me, I went to cnn.com, where their was a red breaking news headline claiming that a terrorist group had planted a small nuke (would destroy about 3 blocks) in a small California town, and it would explode in an hour.

A few minutes later, we had some sort of police-military-secret service type people searching our yard (along with everyone else's). They wouldn't say whether Davis was the target, or if this was being done everywhere in California.

It was one of those super-realistic dreams. When I woke up, I of course had to immediately check cnn.com, just to be sure.


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